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How To Diet Safely

How to Safely Diet

Let's look at the basics of any diet, exercise, fats, carbs. It all boils down to the same formula: to lose weight you have to use more calories than you take in.

Exercise: There is no way around it, exercise is good, but which exercise program is effective with your diet? Many Exercise based diets have you run to the sporting goods Store and buy expensive equipment or join clubs and gyms. Some have you using up all your time working out. How valuable is your time?? You need to find an exercise program that you like, is cheap, safe and most of all SUSTAINABLE.

Let"s look at how to safely diet and exercises that a lot of diets miss. Parking on the far side of the lot and walking into work or the store. Take a nice walk during lunch, it will not only make you feel better, but it will give your mind a break from that project you have been working on. Vacuuming the house, cleaning windows, bike rides, mowing the lawn, taking the stairs are all exercises and burn calories. The point is incorporating these exercises into your lifestyle and diets, some are fun, some are not, but all are necessary, and if you make them fun you will SUSTAIN them.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are a necessary part of a balanced diet. The important thing is to eat GOOD CARBS. Anything white such as breads, sugars, flour, and pasta is all refined and that is bad, as are any candies. They give you a sugar rush, do not fill you up and in a very short time you are hungry again. Good carbs such as: vegetables, fruits, whole wheat bread, not only release their natural sugars slowly, the fiber in them makes you feel full. You cannot eat just one fruit,"Grapefruit Diet" or eat like a rabbit and not satisfy yourself or again, your diet will not be safe or SUSTAINABLE.

Fats: Hey, fats are good for you. Knowing what fats are good is the most important thing. Nuts, Olive Oil, Avocados, Fish, all have omega 3, which your body needs. Shortening, whole milk, any margarine, bacon are all bad for you, not only do they clog up your arteries, but are loaded with calories.

Be careful about the good old catch of "LOW FAT". These products are loaded with sugars, or the serving is too small to satisfy.

Remember the only reason for weight gain is that you are taking in more calories than you are using. Plan how to safely diet will address both of these factors in a fun, and sustainable manner.

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