Smoking and Acne Treatment - Stop Smoking If You Want to Cure Your Acne
There are a lot causes of adult acne.
Adult acne can be caused by stress, bad diet and lifestyle, and smoking.
This is a bad news for you if you are a smoker.
Smoking is not just bad for your heart, but also bad for skin.
keep reading to find the reason why you have to stop smoking if you want to cure your acne.
The research shows the truth According to the research at the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome, Italy, shows that smoking can cause acne breakouts, blocked pores and blackheads.
Women aged 25-50 took part in this research and the result was published in the British Journal of Dermatology.
Here is the result of the research: 42 % of smokers suffered with acne, compared to 10 % of non smokers.
Cigarette smokers developed non inflamed acne at higher rate than other sufferers.
Correlation between smoking and acne: Smoking has damaging effects on your skin.
And tobacco in cigarette deteriorates the skin tissue and causes acne.
How to cure acne if you are a smoker: The first thing you have to do if you want to cure your skin's problem is to stop smoking.
As mentioned above, smoking can cause or aggravate acne.
Do a healthy diet enriched with vegetables and fruits.
Drink a plenty of water.
And don't forget wash your face regularly.
The best treatment to solve your acne problem: The best method to cure acne you can try is by using acne home remedies you can make at home.
Adult acne can be caused by stress, bad diet and lifestyle, and smoking.
This is a bad news for you if you are a smoker.
Smoking is not just bad for your heart, but also bad for skin.
keep reading to find the reason why you have to stop smoking if you want to cure your acne.
The research shows the truth According to the research at the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome, Italy, shows that smoking can cause acne breakouts, blocked pores and blackheads.
Women aged 25-50 took part in this research and the result was published in the British Journal of Dermatology.
Here is the result of the research: 42 % of smokers suffered with acne, compared to 10 % of non smokers.
Cigarette smokers developed non inflamed acne at higher rate than other sufferers.
Correlation between smoking and acne: Smoking has damaging effects on your skin.
And tobacco in cigarette deteriorates the skin tissue and causes acne.
How to cure acne if you are a smoker: The first thing you have to do if you want to cure your skin's problem is to stop smoking.
As mentioned above, smoking can cause or aggravate acne.
Do a healthy diet enriched with vegetables and fruits.
Drink a plenty of water.
And don't forget wash your face regularly.
The best treatment to solve your acne problem: The best method to cure acne you can try is by using acne home remedies you can make at home.