Poultry Nest Box For Chicken Laying
At the moment the main material of choice for poultry nesting is wood but plastic is also an option that can now be looked at, here are my views on the different materials available: - Wood As an option for a nesting box wood would usually be the first choice that would spring to mind, but when you look deeper into this option there is always consequences that arise from it.
For example in a wooden nesting box there will be little cracks and crevices and also joins which are perfect for harboring red mite and bacteria.
Wood as an option isn't very easy to clean, and unfortunately due to these problems you will find the husbandry costs become high.
Verdict - Although this option can have a fairly cheap outlay, the eventual unforeseen husbandry costs will catch up with you.
Especially if it is your intention to have more than a few.
Plastic Plastic is very easy to clean, is long lasting, rigid, light and the way it is moulded leaves for a very smooth surface, but non reflective inside with no corners to harbour red mite or bacteria build up.
A plastic nest will only take the user seconds to wipe clean and fully wash, this will save you hours of work and keep your flock healthy and productive.
Unfortunately on the market at the moment there isn't a lot of choice when it comes to poultry nesting boxes, wood is the general option.
But after further investigation it can be clearly seen that plastic is definitely the way forward.
Luckily for you I have found a new product and its name is chickbox.
If you wish to find out more about the product I have kindly placed a link below for your ease.
For example in a wooden nesting box there will be little cracks and crevices and also joins which are perfect for harboring red mite and bacteria.
Wood as an option isn't very easy to clean, and unfortunately due to these problems you will find the husbandry costs become high.
Verdict - Although this option can have a fairly cheap outlay, the eventual unforeseen husbandry costs will catch up with you.
Especially if it is your intention to have more than a few.
Plastic Plastic is very easy to clean, is long lasting, rigid, light and the way it is moulded leaves for a very smooth surface, but non reflective inside with no corners to harbour red mite or bacteria build up.
A plastic nest will only take the user seconds to wipe clean and fully wash, this will save you hours of work and keep your flock healthy and productive.
Unfortunately on the market at the moment there isn't a lot of choice when it comes to poultry nesting boxes, wood is the general option.
But after further investigation it can be clearly seen that plastic is definitely the way forward.
Luckily for you I have found a new product and its name is chickbox.
If you wish to find out more about the product I have kindly placed a link below for your ease.