Divorce & marriage Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

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Wage Garnishment and Alimony

Wage Garnishment and Alimony

Child Support And Wage Garnishment - In New Jersey, your wages from your workplace can be served if you are the non custodial parent. The wage garnishment can include child support and spousal support better known as alimony. The wage garnishment will come out pre tax out of your net pay.......[Read More]
What Are the Divorce Rights in Illinois?

What Are the Divorce Rights in Illinois?

Deciding to get a divorce can be very emotional, stressful and overwhelming. Illinois' divorce laws can ease that tension by setting forth each spouse's rights during a divorce. An Illinois court will handle a divorce, also called dissolution, as long as one spouse is a state.........[Read More]
How to File for Divorce in the State of New York

How to File for Divorce in the State of New York

Getting a divorce can be a difficult and emotionally draining ordeal, yet sometimes there's simply no other alternative. When getting a divorce in New York, understanding the relevant laws and process can make getting a divorce at least a little less stressful.......[Read More]
How To Date After Filing for Divorce

How To Date After Filing for Divorce

Dating before your divorce is official may or may not prove wise for your situation. For instance, if you have been separated from your spouse for a considerable amount of time before you actually filed for divorce, dating someone else may not be an issue. Dating is an activity that should be approa......[Read More]
Maine Divorce Advice

Maine Divorce Advice

If you're filing for divorce in Maine, the first thing you should do is get sound legal advice. A thorough understanding of Maine's divorce laws is helpful before you consult with a family law attorney or legal aid service. Here is a brief overview of divorce laws in Maine.......[Read More]
What Is Mediated Divorce?

What Is Mediated Divorce?

When spouses have decided that divorce will be the best option for their relationship and their family, they do not have to feel limited to settling these important matters in a court room. Though court may be the best option for some couples, others may find alternative measures to settle their div......[Read More]
Hiring A Divorce Lawyer For Yourself

Hiring A Divorce Lawyer For Yourself

Hundreds of people in this world are heading towards the end of their marriage, and many of them do not really know how to handle this unfortunate situation. The first and the best step they should take immediately is the hiring of a good divorce attorney, and then the rest of the things will become......[Read More]
Getting A Divorce

Getting A Divorce

Getting a divorce is already stressful enough. Don't let high attorney fees make it worse. There is a better way.......[Read More]
DIY: Legal Marriage Separation in California

DIY: Legal Marriage Separation in California

A legal separation is not a dissolution of marriage. A couple remains married, but lives apart. Just like in a divorce in California, the couple can divide property, can receive maintenance support and settle child custody or child support issues. A legal separation is appropriate for people who do ......[Read More]
Navigating the Waters of Divorce Is a Difficult and Tricky Journey for Families

Navigating the Waters of Divorce Is a Difficult and Tricky Journey for Families

Child custody is often the hardest part of divorce cases. Child support and alimony are designed to help alleviate the burden of being single.......[Read More]
Examples of Shared Parenting Schedules

Examples of Shared Parenting Schedules

Divorced or separated parents who have entered into a joint custody agreement. To make shared parenting work, consider using a shared parenting schedule. Shared parenting is another term for co-parenting or joint custody.......[Read More]
Child Support Enforcement Options

Child Support Enforcement Options

Child support is an important part of divorce settlements and court arrangements, as these payments can provide financial assistance when a parent might otherwise suffer alone. However, not all parents are particularly quick to offer their help in terms of court-ordered support funds, and may attemp......[Read More]
Legal Rules for Divorce

Legal Rules for Divorce

Divorce proceedings can become complicated and costly.law courts image by Peter Helin from Fotolia.comDivorce legal proceedings vary among states, but there are general rules to qualify for a divorce. To qualify for a divorce, or a dissolution of marriage, a couple must first have a.........[Read More]
Why It's Important to Have a Divorce Lawyer on Your Side?

Why It's Important to Have a Divorce Lawyer on Your Side?

Affording a Divorce Attorney? Finding a Divorce Attorney? Depending on your divorce circumstances, hiring a divorce attorney may be a relatively small expense or a considerable one.......[Read More]
Creating an Effective Parenting Plan

Creating an Effective Parenting Plan

It is important that you create a parenting plan in order for your child to be best provided and cared for after a divorce or separation. Learn what it takes to make an effective parenting plan.......[Read More]
Does Not Sleeping at the Residence Constitute as Legal Separation?

Does Not Sleeping at the Residence Constitute as Legal Separation?

Separation and divorce are issues that are defined under family law. Family law regulations differ from state to state and the legal definition of what constitutes a legal separation should be determined, dependent upon the state you reside in.......[Read More]
Divorce in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Divorce in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The specific rights and responsibilities outlined in the marriage relationship make it unique compared to other types of bonds. Therefore, the decision to end the union requires much more than just parting ways. The court must officially dissolve the union and oversee matters such as property divisi......[Read More]
Divorce Settlements: Things to Consider

Divorce Settlements: Things to Consider

Divorce can be a painful experience, especially if the two parties aren't able to agree on a divorce settlement. Hiring a divorce lawyer however can help make this process go more smoothly. No rules are in place that dictate the manner in which the assets are to be divided. If the two parties a......[Read More]
Divorce in Alabama & Spousal Right to Half of 401(k)

Divorce in Alabama & Spousal Right to Half of 401(k)

State laws govern the divorce process, and most states follow the equitable distribution doctrine of divorce property division. Before an Alabama Circuit Court will grant your final divorce decree, you must enter into a written settlement agreement with your former spouse dividing your property and ......[Read More]