With All Due Respect
One of the biggest barriers that wives have when it comes to submitting to their husbands is the lack of respect. Honestly, it is easy to submit to someone who you look up to, emulate, and admire. Take these away and submission will be very trying, if not impossible.......[Read More]
Help Save Marriage Advice For Christians
If you are searching for ways on how to save a Christian marriage, here is my help save marriage advice for Christians who have just been married or married for years. First of all, separation or divorce is not allowed in Christian marriages as it is perceived that divorces can seriously affect coup......[Read More]
What You Need to Do For Yourself in Order to Make Him Love You
Do you ever wonder what is wrong with you that he doesn't love you? Do you wonder if you'll ever find real love?......[Read More]
Financial Help For Generation "Ex"
Statistically, half of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. The number jumps to over 60% for second marriages. Such daunting statistics suggest you should prepare your finances and portfolio for the better-than-even chance that you won't be growing old with your current spouse.......[Read More]
Love at First Sight, Conan O'Brien and Liza Powel
It was love at first sight for late-night comedian Conan O'Brien when he met Liza Powel. Here's information about their celebrity marriage.......[Read More]
The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach
"The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach" is an old adage, and we don't know the origins of this old saying. In my opinion I believe that there are different ways to a man's heart, for example, through good food, through great attitude or may be through emotional sup......[Read More]
How to Make a Woman Completely Fall For You in 3 Simple Steps
The age old question that possibly baffled even the greatest of scientists is "what goes on in her head?" If we could possible figure out what exactly goes on in a woman's head then we sure would be gods! But the fact is that is isn't really very hard to figure out the way women ......[Read More]
Divorce Secrets For Men - Three Strategies That Will Help You Win in a Divorce
The last thing you want is to lose all you have ever worked for in one single sweep - the house, the car, the kids and all that mattered to you. Protect yourself from your soon to be ex wife, follow the 3 simple tips in the article and safeguard your assets.......[Read More]
Maid of Honor Speech – How to Make Impressive Wedding Speech
The maid of honor is always expected to give a maid of honor speech. She is the best friend of the bride so she really needs to give inspiring messages for her sake......[Read More]
Florida's New Best Interest of the Child Factors
Florida's "best interest" of the child factors will change on October 1, 2008. The new factors have a clear emphasis on demonstrated parenting behaviors and a history of meeting the child's needs. Keeping children away from the divorce case is another area that is now clearly spe......[Read More]
Thinking of Tying The Knot? 5 Tips To Make Sure You Stay Together
Did you know that love does NOT conquer all? You see, often people get married with the idea that their €chemistry€ or undying love for each other will keep them together forever. However, with almost ... ......[Read More]
How to Tell If a Man is Falling in Love With You
How can you tell that a man is falling in love with you and not simply being nice? There are few signs from his behaviour that can give you good indication that he has special feelings for you.......[Read More]
Do You Esteem Others Above Yourself or Are You Too Tall to Bend Down in Humility and Meekness?
Do you give to everyone what you owe? Do you give respect to whom respect is due and honor to whom honor? (Romans 13:7, WEB) When we rise from our seats to greet a newcomer, help an elderly person across the street, care for our parents when they are in need, and abide by the laws of our government,......[Read More]
Losses of Divorce - Letting Go and Moving On
Even if you wanted the divorce, it entails loss. Aside from the ending of the relationship with your spouse, you may be losing your home, time with your children, in-laws, extended family, and even fr......[Read More]
Love Tips For Men - What to Do When You Are Lovestruck Over a Woman
I think every one of us men has been lovestruck over a woman at some point in time. Many guys have this happen many times over. However, most guys do not end up with the woman that they are so fond of. More often they not, they end up feeling a little bit confused over how they could have and should......[Read More]
Divorce Tips For Men
Unfortunately, far too many fathers are kept from seeing their children because they do not understand their rights or follow the cliche of every other weekend dad. Today the courts award 50% custody to each parent, so long as the father is willing to show that he is a capable parent. Studies show t......[Read More]
Different Kinds of Love
What is love? They say love makes the world go round. Can love be qualified to be an emotion or just a physical reaction? Is there only one kind of love?......[Read More]
Divorce Tips For Men - How to Get Help From Professionals
Much has been written with regards to women dealing with the consequences of divorce.However, many men who are in this situation may find themselves faced with dealing with quite a number of emotional and physical problems as well.However, there are now many marriage therapists or counsellors that t......[Read More]
Save Your Marriage By Taking 3 Important First Steps
If you're in the middle of a heated marriage crisis or in the early stages, there are some important steps you should consider taking right away. One of the main reasons to begin this way, is that you need to avoid making your marriage problems worse while at the same time putting yourself in a......[Read More]
Proposal Etiquette: How to Not Screw It Up
You've been dating long enough to know her 30 minute get-ready-for-bed routine and you have so many of her dirty clothes, extra toothbrushes and hair ties at your house that it's time to pop the question.You've learned, despite her little quirks, that she is the woman you want to spen......[Read More]