Reproductive Behaviors of Penguins
There are 17 different species of penguins in the world. All penguins are members of the animal family called spheniscidae. Penguins generally have long lives and can reach sexual maturity between ages 3 and 8, depending on the species.......[Read More]
How to Change the Light Bulb in a Fish Tank
Lighting is one of the most important elements of both fresh water and salt water fish tanks. Adequate lighting is necessary both for the health of the fish and for the health of the plants. In addition, lighting increases the aesthetic appeal of the aquarium by transforming it into a focal point fo......[Read More]
How To Choose Plants For a Koi Water Garden
Plants are a vital part of natural environment for fish. After constructing the pond you should carefully choose the plants for your Koi.......[Read More]
When You Start a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium, You Don't Have to Like Fish But it Helps
Yes I know, strange title isn't it. You don't have to like fish? But it's an aquarium for heaven's sake. Hold on just one second, fish are not the one single factor here when you start a tropical freshwater fish aquarium. This is about the aquarium as a whole not as a fish.......[Read More]
How to Raise Golden Tilapia
The University of Florida says that while tilapia have been bred for human consumption for more than 2,500 years, it is only fairly recently that they have begun to be enjoyed by aquarists. Golden tilapia are sturdy, adaptable and suitable for even amateurs to raise. Adult fish usually live approxim......[Read More]
Proper Substratum For Your Aquarium
A very important area that may often be overlooked is the makeup of the tanks substratum. First of all the chemical makeup of the substratum needs to be decided.......[Read More]
Glowlight Tetras Are Not Easy to Breed As They Are Not Known for Parental Care
Glowlight tetras fish is a nice-looking species with bright colors. As they are not very expensive and are available easily, they are picked up both by beginners as well as experienced fish-keepers. Innovative breeders have recently developed number colorful varieties for this fish to choose from.......[Read More]
What Are the Benefits of Crushed Coral?
Cichlids may benefit from crushed coral in their aquarium.aquarium fish image by Rade Cojbasic from Fotolia.comCrushed coral is for sale in many pet stores for use in both freshwater or saltwater aquarium. Besides being aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting (in fact, in need never be.........[Read More]
How to Keep Gouramis
Gouramis are labyrinth fish that can supplement their oxygen by breathing atmospheric air. This makes them easy to keep in an aquarium because they aren't finicky about their water conditions.......[Read More]
Tropical Fish Necessitate a Correctly Regulated Ecosystem
Maintaining a fresh water tropical fish tank invariably is an interesting and desirable approach to interact with sea life. A fish tank might be a good way to unwind after a very long day. It can be a dialogue generator.......[Read More]
Freshwater Tropical Fish - The Ideal First Pet
Freshwater tropical fish are the perfect choice of pet for first time pet owners. While you cannot hold them or stroke them like a conventional pet, they can nonetheless give you much pleasure by watching their interaction with each other in the tank, not to mention the relaxing effect that they hav......[Read More]
Five Tips For Looking After Fish in a Home Aquarium
A good, well maintained fish aquarium in your home can exoticism, fun and beauty to your living area. Thus, there are some simple tips that you need to keep in mind and you'll be successful in maintaining a very good home aquarium.......[Read More]
How to Choose the Best Fish Food for Koi and Other Pond Fish
"A human being can survive just fine living on a diet of hamburgers and fast food." If you believe this statement to be true and also happen to own a backyard Koi pond, chances are you also believe there is little difference between available fish foods on the market.......[Read More]
Fish Tank Gravel
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Foods for Midas Cichlid Fish
The Midas cichlid is a tropical freshwater fish native to South America. They are extremely hearty fish and have few special food requirements, even going so far as being able to eat grasshoppers and other insects caught in the house and dropped in the tank. Food choices for Midas cichlids vary depe......[Read More]
Meaning of Koi Fish and the Art That Comes With It
More and more Westerners are slowly discovering the wonders of Oriental tattoo designs and are considering the idea of using these designs in their body art. The koi fish figure with its bold colors is one of these prominent designs.......[Read More]
Painting Aquarium Decorations
Fish owners know that decor is an important part of personalizing an aquarium. Castles, rocks and houses make a fish tank fun. Some fish need or prefer caves and other places to hide. However, aquarium decorations can chip and fade over time. Many people like to repaint aquarium decor to make it fre......[Read More]
Signs of a Sick Fish
Keep your fish healthy by looking out for signs of image by cherie from Fotolia.comFish can be afflicted with hundreds of different diseases, many of which can be difficult to recognize and treat. Unlike other pets, fish cannot communicate when something is wrong, so their.........[Read More]
Koi Fish Diseases Discussed
Raising Koi fish involves so much more than just feeding the fish and replacing damaged tank parts every now and then. There are actually quite a few things that you will need to take into consideration, one of the most important being Koi fish diseases. There are four types of diseases to discuss t......[Read More]
Are the Koi in Your Waterfall Pond Healthy?
Do you know how your Koi should look? What about their habits, are you familiar with them? You won't know if they are sick if you don't first understand what healthy is. Learn what healthy means when talking about your Koi.......[Read More]