Is Creationism Science? Creationists Claim that Creationism is Scientific
Creationists commonly argue that their position is not only scientific, but even that it is more scientific than evolution. That is a pretty dramatic claim, especially since it has been established that evolution is very scientific, and it deserves closer consideration. This article will explain how......[Read More]
Gospel Goes Full Circle in Puerto Rico
I am a church pastor in Puerto Rico. One day I was teaching an adult Sunday school class about the importance of evangelism. I explained how effective it is to use the Gospel of John. ... ......[Read More]
Important Facts About the Book of Zechariah From the Bible
The Book of Zechariah is one of the lesser-known books of the Bible and therefore not widely read. However, it is no less important than its better-known counterparts. Zechariah was one of many Old Testament prophets that called Israel to repent. This book also contains visions and references to the......[Read More]
How Remote Influencing Can Increase Your Personal Power
The first step to discovering personal power is becoming aware of how your mind works. Most of us use only a fraction of our mind's potential power. The goal of remote influencing is to help you use the full power of your mind and to connect with a higher force, the creative intelligence of lif......[Read More]
Religion: What Is In It For Me?
Given that the Bible is the most contradictory and illogical text that's alleged to be non-fiction, it's a wonder anyone puts any stock in the Christian religion, the Bible, God and associated entities. But, billions ... ......[Read More]
The Feminine Power of the Full Moon in Gemini and Venus in Sagittarius
The Moon is representing the principle of life and life sustaining nourishment, the archetypal mother and child. The Moon is how we feel and perceive life. It is our emotional filter and inner ground ......[Read More]
Are Today's Easter Symbols a Picture of Christianity?
On Easter weekend, those of the Christian faith celebrate the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We now have several symbols in our Easter celebration, but few of us know what they are and what they mean. Why is Christ's death & resurrection so important? We must first look back ......[Read More]
What Are the Two Main Jobs of the General Assembly?
The General Assembly is one of five bodies that make up the United Nations. It is the only body that represents all 192 member nations. The General Assembly discusses and makes recommendations on a number of topics that affect the world. The American History Association (AHA) describes its two major......[Read More]
Relationship with children from a horoscope
This is an aspect which can be checked both ways. In a Indian horoscope the Ascendant and its lord signify the self. The 5th House and its lord signify the children as a whole. Individually the 5th ho......[Read More]
The State Of The Church
Where do you start, with such a growing issue that is plaguing the body of Christ?......[Read More]
Reco Your Fortune With Horoscopes Predictions
Astrology and horoscopes is one and the same thing as they both are the predictions. Astrology differs from place to place as in India the horoscope depends upon zodiac sings that are sun signs and mo......[Read More]
Online Psychic Reading – Go For Authentic and Accurate Reading
Online psychic reading can help you grow as a distinct individual. There are many things in life that happen and we do not understand that the root cause is within us unless we get to know ourselves p......[Read More]
Stop Arguing About Water Baptism
From all of my previous Bible readings there was one main point I was absolutely convinced about and that was that I needed to be baptized by full immersion.......[Read More]
Christmas Angel
Wordless Wednesday Photo Archive......[Read More]
If an Atheist Calls You Stupid Don't Worry, They Also Call Their Fellow Atheists the Same
Most atheists that I've met have been atheists in name only. That's right self-proclaimed folks who either despise religion or are pretty angry about being controlled for a good part of their lives from whatever religious group they had previously belonged to. Then there are a good number ......[Read More]
Overcoming Lust As a Christian
A Christian must overcome lust. However, most Christian men fail at this task. Here are five reasons that this failure persists.......[Read More]
How to Prepare for Funeral Costs
In 2009, the average funeral cost $6,560 (see Reference 1). This is a large cost for a family that is not prepared. Add that to the grief of a family member passing away, and you have a very stressful situation. While you can't guarantee you will be prepared for these costs, you can try by saving mo......[Read More]
Reiki and Other Healing Methods--It All Amounts to Energy, Love and God
If you are attracted to energy healing now, it's likely that you were a healer in past lives. Perhaps you did this work, for example, as a Native American, Eastern Indian, Asian, or in a ... ......[Read More]
Phone Psychic Readings - Expectation And Relevancy
A phone psychic reading is very common today, but in the past this hardly ever happened. In actual fact, the method used then to obtain a reading, was by making an appointment with a fortune ... ......[Read More]
How to Clear Your Aura
Cleaning your Aura is very important. A healthy Aura strengthens the immune system. A healthy Aura maintains high energy levels high and prevents energy drain.......[Read More]