About New Release Movies
- http://www.deadlinehollywooddaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/darkknight-crowd3.jpg
New release movies for theaters are typically released on a Friday. Larger movies, like The Dark Knight, can be released earlier to make sure there is not too much overcrowding, and they are released on either a Wednesday or Thursday. Films are rarely released on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday unless a major holiday like Christmas falls on that day.
New DVD releases come out on Tuesday so that they can capitalize on the sales charts for the following Mondays. Like theater releases, these can change for special days as well, but they are usually on holidays. - http://www.whatwethink.com/wp-content/images/cm-collage.jpg
Typically, movie genre makes a big impact on when a movie is released. There will different genres scattered throughout the whole year, but most of them stick to the same schedule. Starting in May, the big budget summer blockbuster movies will be released. Here you can expect action films, superhero films, and some of the biggest moneymakers of the year. Comedies also fare well in the summer, and the biggest comedy movies are released too. In the fall, you will find a mix of thrillers, horror, and Award contender movies. Award-contending movies are released in the fall to build a following for the upcoming award shows in January, February, and March.
From Thanksgiving through Christmas, expect holiday movies, family movies, and a mix of other genres. During January through April, movie studios tend to release the movies that got delayed from the year before, but some hits have been mixed in there as well. DVD releases follow typically the same format, except for the big summer movies are released in the fall to capitalize on holiday shoppers. - http://blogs.phillyburbs.com/
New movie release days in the theaters may affect many aspects of the movie going experience. The theater may be really crowded and you could end up with a bad seat or no seat at all. The new releases also make Friday one of the most crowded nights at the theater.
New DVDs looking to be rented may not be found at every video store. This is because Blockbuster has signed a contract with companies like the Weinstein Company to offer exclusive rentals through Blockbuster. This means that unless you buy the movie, you can only rent it at Blockbuster. - If you want to avoid the crowds at new-release movies then you could see it the morning that it is released instead of the night. During the morning, prices are usually cheaper as well.
Some movies hold midnight premieres that take place on Thursday night going into Friday morning. Popular films like Star Wars will hold a midnight premiere, and any popular horror movie will have a midnight premiere just for the horror factor. - http://z.hubpages.com/u/144308_f520.jpg
New-release movies follow a certain format to hype their release. First, movies are issued trailers and posters that entice fans to see it. These trailers are shown before films and found online.
Smaller independent movies try to build a fan base and spread word of mouth success through limited releases. These releases are held in big cities and then slowly spread out across the country until it has reached every theater.
The time it takes for a new release to go to DVD has shortened tremendously due to illegal theft and distribution of the movie. In as little as three months after it started in theaters, you can purchase a movie.