Psychic, Tarot, Horoscope, Astrology
The focus is on assistance or backing on an idea or project, risks, finances and assets, enlargement, accomplishment, employment or commission, kinship, friendship, romance and betterment. Want enterprises to be successful and for things to go well. You will be praised or recognized for your skills and your ability to make a difference in the lives of others. You will also attain backing or financial assistance on a project or enterprise if you concur. Love may be difficult to ground, but someone will light up your life (or be the best thing about life) and, if there's no one special now, you'll attract romance like a bee to honey. You'll be surprised by the entry of a possible romantic interest and/or the reconciliation of two people you thought would never come together again. This could also indicate news of an unjust or untimely death. You will be greatly affected or impacted by an encounter with another. You will also be acknowledged for being bright and/or making a positive impact on others. You will be looking for the solution to a problem (be it external or internal) or the best action to take in order to effectively get a handle on it or clear it up.
You will be considering a trip or outing (if you go it will be beneficial) and if you hoped to travel with someone special or meet someone special, you will get your wish. You will be involved with release forms, legal, medical or corporate type papers and if you've made a mistake that has halted your progress someone will correct it for you or show you the procedure so that you can continue. If you've been depressed or bored with your work, it will soon lift and you will have a change in attitude brought about by a compensation for a previous effort, new orders or new projects to embark upon. You will wonder if your relationship is really practical or if you're living in a dream world that can never be reconciled with the lifestyle you're accustomed to, or have chosen to live. You will be uncomfortable or off balance because you will feel the advent of change or the necessity to implement changes and you won't want to leave the safety or security of your home or what's been previously established. You will enjoy the fact that you are making a positive impact on others, or making a difference in their lives, and will be pleasantly surprised by an unexpected romantic possibility that will intrigue you or pique your interest. You will speak with one who will assist you in a project you've been contemplating, or send some business your way. Also, news from a lover will arrive when you least expect it. You will have a difficult time with family members or in trying to make travel arrangements or schedule outings together. . . try to avoid contention. There will be cost considerations, a loss of appetite, and possible weight loss. This could also indicate sexual arousal, or a warning that too much sun or heat could make you ill. Expect material gain and increase, but in small sums only.
You will soon sever a relationship with one who's been difficult or disappointing, and you will form a new alliance. Public or social activities will be highlighted bringing opportunities to diversify your skills or advance your position. Business and friendship could mix nicely now. You are going to get an offer of financial assistance, or get a gift of money. You will receive a letter or package you've been waiting for. Feeling as if you're being pushed into making a commitment you're not prepared to make because it doesn't feel right, will cause much anxiety. You will be disheartened by unsuccessful ventures or love affairs and difficulties in achieving your goals. Most of your problems or conflicts are going to end and your business efforts will no longer be in vain. Expect a change for the better. You will begin a new project or venture and some of your ideas will be backed by someone who will provide tangible assistance or an offer of sponsorship. Don't try to force issues; wait for things to change. This is not a time to assert yourself. If you try, you won't get what you're after or will lock horns with your peers. If you just sit tight,you will gain considerable help or means. You will 'inherit' an offer of financial assistance or backing for a new enterprise and recognition for your talents and abilities. Expect to get a late-night call from an admirer. You will be grateful for the help or assistance of others as well as a financial bonus, employment opportunity or offer of backing on a project. Circumstances are going to change for the better. You are going to regain a sense of peace, clarity, or assurance about yourself or your position in life, and a phone call to a loved one or a call from a suitor will reinstate your relationship. You will have small successes but not big ones.
By Absolutely PsychicPsychic
You will be considering a trip or outing (if you go it will be beneficial) and if you hoped to travel with someone special or meet someone special, you will get your wish. You will be involved with release forms, legal, medical or corporate type papers and if you've made a mistake that has halted your progress someone will correct it for you or show you the procedure so that you can continue. If you've been depressed or bored with your work, it will soon lift and you will have a change in attitude brought about by a compensation for a previous effort, new orders or new projects to embark upon. You will wonder if your relationship is really practical or if you're living in a dream world that can never be reconciled with the lifestyle you're accustomed to, or have chosen to live. You will be uncomfortable or off balance because you will feel the advent of change or the necessity to implement changes and you won't want to leave the safety or security of your home or what's been previously established. You will enjoy the fact that you are making a positive impact on others, or making a difference in their lives, and will be pleasantly surprised by an unexpected romantic possibility that will intrigue you or pique your interest. You will speak with one who will assist you in a project you've been contemplating, or send some business your way. Also, news from a lover will arrive when you least expect it. You will have a difficult time with family members or in trying to make travel arrangements or schedule outings together. . . try to avoid contention. There will be cost considerations, a loss of appetite, and possible weight loss. This could also indicate sexual arousal, or a warning that too much sun or heat could make you ill. Expect material gain and increase, but in small sums only.
You will soon sever a relationship with one who's been difficult or disappointing, and you will form a new alliance. Public or social activities will be highlighted bringing opportunities to diversify your skills or advance your position. Business and friendship could mix nicely now. You are going to get an offer of financial assistance, or get a gift of money. You will receive a letter or package you've been waiting for. Feeling as if you're being pushed into making a commitment you're not prepared to make because it doesn't feel right, will cause much anxiety. You will be disheartened by unsuccessful ventures or love affairs and difficulties in achieving your goals. Most of your problems or conflicts are going to end and your business efforts will no longer be in vain. Expect a change for the better. You will begin a new project or venture and some of your ideas will be backed by someone who will provide tangible assistance or an offer of sponsorship. Don't try to force issues; wait for things to change. This is not a time to assert yourself. If you try, you won't get what you're after or will lock horns with your peers. If you just sit tight,you will gain considerable help or means. You will 'inherit' an offer of financial assistance or backing for a new enterprise and recognition for your talents and abilities. Expect to get a late-night call from an admirer. You will be grateful for the help or assistance of others as well as a financial bonus, employment opportunity or offer of backing on a project. Circumstances are going to change for the better. You are going to regain a sense of peace, clarity, or assurance about yourself or your position in life, and a phone call to a loved one or a call from a suitor will reinstate your relationship. You will have small successes but not big ones.
By Absolutely PsychicPsychic