Conventional Arms Control at the Regional & Sub-Regional Levels
- Conventional arms control started as a regional concern. Largely a product of the Conventional Forces Europe Treaty, arms control was directed at Europe, the Soviet Union's former territories and the subsequently formed Russian government. The treaty also included the United States within its parameters. The treaty imposed ceilings on the military forces available to each country in an attempt to place individual nations on an equal playing-field.
- Conventional arms control analyzes the weapons capabilities of individual regions as well as their yearly requests for arms increases. For example, 2008 saw increased attention given to the Middle East due to the disproportionate level of arms purchases in contrast to other regions. These regional statistics can then be broken down into sub-regional or national contexts which address specific states, such as Kuwait, Turkey or Israel.
- In observing different countries and their military capabilities, "arms control and proliferation profiles" are provided for each state. These profiles indicate which arms treaties each nation belongs to or has ratified. The profiles also supply detailed information as to national arsenals, including missile stores, biological and chemical weapons possession and a report on whether the country in question has engaged in irresponsible weapons proliferation.