Online Dating - How to Make the First Move
Online dating is really more for men than it is for women.
Men are visual creatures and therefore the ability to flip through hundreds of available women within minutes has a certain appeal.
For women, however, online dating is a challenge.
Their selection is much more limited.
So, how do you attract their attention above all the others? While men have hundreds to thousands of profiles to scan, women generally have less than a hundred except in the large metro areas such as New York and Los Angeles.
You have to stand out right? If you read the online dating suggestions, they tell you to come up with something catchy and creative.
In all honesty, what type of man will you attract with this three-second commercial approach? Probably not someone you'll be sharing the old folks' home with.
Online dating is very visual, so your picture is really what will attract your male suitors.
But sometimes you need to funnel their attention to your online profile.
If you've followed my other advice regarding what type of pictures to host on your profile, and the verbiage you use within your profile outlines your hobbies, then you'll be in good shape once they get there.
In reality, all you have to do to get a click in your direction is a simple, "Hi.
" You don't really need anything else.
The simple approach will work 99% of the time.
They'll get your message, and automatically click through to your profile.
So save your clever three-second commercial for a Time Square billboard, and keep it simple.
Men are visual creatures and therefore the ability to flip through hundreds of available women within minutes has a certain appeal.
For women, however, online dating is a challenge.
Their selection is much more limited.
So, how do you attract their attention above all the others? While men have hundreds to thousands of profiles to scan, women generally have less than a hundred except in the large metro areas such as New York and Los Angeles.
You have to stand out right? If you read the online dating suggestions, they tell you to come up with something catchy and creative.
In all honesty, what type of man will you attract with this three-second commercial approach? Probably not someone you'll be sharing the old folks' home with.
Online dating is very visual, so your picture is really what will attract your male suitors.
But sometimes you need to funnel their attention to your online profile.
If you've followed my other advice regarding what type of pictures to host on your profile, and the verbiage you use within your profile outlines your hobbies, then you'll be in good shape once they get there.
In reality, all you have to do to get a click in your direction is a simple, "Hi.
" You don't really need anything else.
The simple approach will work 99% of the time.
They'll get your message, and automatically click through to your profile.
So save your clever three-second commercial for a Time Square billboard, and keep it simple.