Discover How to Build a Small Chicken Coop Yourself
Learning how to build a small chicken coop may seem challenging if you never built one before.
However, if you have access to some good plans, building one may be easier than you would imagine.
Why would someone want to build their own chicken coop? If you priced some of the prefab structures, you'll discover that you may pay over $1000.
On the other hand, building your own coop will only cost you the price of the materials.
Here is what you need to know in order to build a small chicken coop.
Determine the Size of Your Coop The size of your chicken coop will depend on a few factors.
How many chickens do you plan to raise? What is the size of your yard? You want to provide ample space for your chickens to roam.
You should plan about 10 sq.
per chicken.
You also need to decide if you have the yard space for your chicken house.
Determine the layout Before you start to build a small chicken coop, you need to determine where you would like your chickens to roam.
How many exits and entrances do you need? They also need the proper space for feeding.
Where will the feeders go? Will you be able to access that area to provide food and water? They also need nesting boxes to roost.
Where should these boxes go and can you access them for cleaning? Get Your Materials Once you find a plan that fits your needs, it's time to get your materials.
You will need wood for most structures to build the frame.
If you live in a windy area, you will need heavier material to prevent the structure from blowing away.
Your roof will likely need to be made from steel or aluminum.
Wire mesh is needed for the walls and chicken wire is needed to to protect your chickens from predators.
Get your wood and steel precut according to plan specifications to make the job run smoothly.
It's not difficult to learn how to build a small chicken coop if you have the right plans.
You just need to figure out how you want it designed and choose the plan that meets your needs.
However, if you have access to some good plans, building one may be easier than you would imagine.
Why would someone want to build their own chicken coop? If you priced some of the prefab structures, you'll discover that you may pay over $1000.
On the other hand, building your own coop will only cost you the price of the materials.
Here is what you need to know in order to build a small chicken coop.
Determine the Size of Your Coop The size of your chicken coop will depend on a few factors.
How many chickens do you plan to raise? What is the size of your yard? You want to provide ample space for your chickens to roam.
You should plan about 10 sq.
per chicken.
You also need to decide if you have the yard space for your chicken house.
Determine the layout Before you start to build a small chicken coop, you need to determine where you would like your chickens to roam.
How many exits and entrances do you need? They also need the proper space for feeding.
Where will the feeders go? Will you be able to access that area to provide food and water? They also need nesting boxes to roost.
Where should these boxes go and can you access them for cleaning? Get Your Materials Once you find a plan that fits your needs, it's time to get your materials.
You will need wood for most structures to build the frame.
If you live in a windy area, you will need heavier material to prevent the structure from blowing away.
Your roof will likely need to be made from steel or aluminum.
Wire mesh is needed for the walls and chicken wire is needed to to protect your chickens from predators.
Get your wood and steel precut according to plan specifications to make the job run smoothly.
It's not difficult to learn how to build a small chicken coop if you have the right plans.
You just need to figure out how you want it designed and choose the plan that meets your needs.