Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

Super Visa Medical Insurance

Though there are many Insurancecompanies which provide insurance to an individual or an organization. If you are a working individual or own company then getting a insurance is a worthful idea. Before you buy insurance you must read all term and conditions which misguide if you would read that properly. The best idea is to hire a broker who will guide and take care of all your Insurance policy. is broker for Canadian insurance companies. They provide all major Insurance Products offered by reputed and trusted insurance companies and complete insurance solution. They specialize in Life Insurance, health insurance, travel Insurance and Investment plans and many more.

Life insurance:
Lifeinsurance is the most important we people do purchase in our Life. Lifeinsurance gives not only financial support to your family and loved ones but also return after certain period. Life Insurance provides means of handling your final expenses in case of sudden accident or death.

Advantage of Life Insurance:

Lifeinsurance provides an infusion of cash for dealing with the adverse financial consequences of the insured's death.
To get rid of worries about your family and want to secure their future.
Death benefits may be estate-tax free if the policy is owned properly.
Policy loans are income tax free.
Cash values grow tax deferred during the insured's lifetime.
A life insurance policy may be exchanged for another life insurance policy (or for an annuity) without incurring current taxation.

Medical causality may deteriorate your financial balance. To get rid of all worries personal Health insurance is necessary. Personal Health insurance offers coverage for a wide range of procedures and treatments. These are categorized as Personal Health Insurance, Disability Life Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Drug and Dental Insurance And Long term Care Insurance.
Advantages of HealthInsurance:
Covers your medical expenses if you fall sick and more.
DisabilityLifeInsurance: It gives financial protection when a person is unable to work because of an accident or illness. The insurance covers you in case of any accident or illness without worrying about financial support.
Critical illnessInsurance: Benefit of this insurance that it covers for the serious disease such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, bypass surgery, paralysis, brain-tumor, coma etc.
Provides Ambulatory patient services & Emergency services
Hospitalization Services and Prescription drugs
Maternity and newborn care
Mental health and substance abuse disorder services (including behavioral health treatment)
Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
Laboratory services
Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
Travel Insurances are made to cover losses arising from sudden and unforeseeable circumstances due to an emergency during traveling. It is to be noted that insurances coverage are subject to certain limitations and exclusions.

Advantages of TravelInsurance:
Emergency Medical Expenses: In case emergency necessary medical expenses are covered.
Emergency Return Home: In case of medical emergency or any other emergency transportation arrangement are provided along with proper medical supervision.
Hospital Stay Allowance: During an emergency Sickness or Injury in which you are admitted to hospital, the complete allowance is paid by company.
Flight delay: travelinsurance also include compensation if flight is delayed by more than 12 hours.
Loss of Passport: After confirmation and FIR documentation, expenses are paid to obtain a fresh new passport.
Loss of Checked Baggage: Compensation for the permanent loss of checked-in-baggage is given to customer.

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