Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Breaking Out The Phone When Online Dating

If you think that all there is to online dating is learning how to email the other person correctly than you are far from correct. This is just the beginning in what is almost an endless amount of things that you must do to win over the women that you are trying to win over.

In order to win over these women you must seriously do some hardcore preparation for your eventual dating life and this is far from easy. Considering the fact that most internet dates feel more like blind dates we are probably going to be highly nervous during our dates to say the least. The women we are dating can be very intimidating, and even if they are not, we still feel the pressure of making great conversation with someone that we have yet to ever meet in our lives before, a difficult task for anyone out there.

When it comes down to it it sure doesn't hurt to have a few tricks and tactics up our sleeves for that inevitable moment when a silence comes up and we are grasping for something to take the fun levels back to the heights that they have previously reached.

One method and tactic for doing this involves using what people all around the country consistently use in their every day lives. What I am referring to is lurking right in your pocket right now if you are one of the millions of Americans that are in possession of a smart phone. If you are one of these types of people than you are in luck. Smart phones have plenty of amazing applications that can make for a fun time after you meet these women online.

What you want to do is visit some websites that tell you what the newest and funnest aps to play are. Either that or you can get a recommendation from a friend whom is highly trusted. Then just randomly break at the phone on your date and ask her if she has ever played the game you downloaded. Whether she says yes or no does not really matter. If she says yes then challenge her. If she says no then show her how.

Either way you will be getting closer to her then ever while playing.

When it comes down to it, we want to have a few tricks up our sleeves when online dating. Games on a smart phone are just one of the many tactics we can use.

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