3 in 1 Pushchair: What Is It & Is It Right For You?
A 3 in 1 pushchair is a beautiful piece of equipment that can save you a lot of money. This type of pushchair consists of 3 components:
A chassis - This is simply the frame of the pushchair. A chassis is a set of wheels attached to a frame. The frame is collapsible and usually has a shopping basket fitted to it.
A pram unit - The pram unit is usually a carrycot that comes with a mattress. It attaches easily to the chassis to give you a nice pram style pushchair for your newborn. The carrycot also is great not only for using on the pushchair but can come in handy as a travel cot or daytime sleeping basket.
A pushchair unit - The pushchair unit consists of a separate reclining seat that can be either be put so you can have your baby forward facing or rear facing.
These 3 things are what make up a 3 in 1 pushchair and many people find them a great piece of equipment to have. Many travel systems also come with the 3 in 1 components and some carrycots are now sold with fitted kits to enable it to be used as a car seat.
A 3 in 1 pram can be great if you are on a budget as there are many brands that come in around £200. Having a travel system too on top of this will save you even more money, as a car seat alone can cost upwards of £100+.
Of course though this type of system is not for everyone. If you don't own a car a car seat isn't necessary and if you intend to use slings, you may not need the carrycot option. However, if you want a day cot and would like a pram style pushchair for your newborn then it can save you money by giving you an all in one solution for those two problems.
There are of course some downfalls to using this type of system. It can be fairly tricky to convert from pram to pushchair and isn't something you will want to do regularly. Many people find that they consistently use the carrycot until their baby can sit up ok, so this doesn't become a problem.
Storing everything can also be a problem as there are so many components. However this would be a problem anyway, as most likely you will buy everything separately anyway and have even more things e.g. travel cot.
A chassis - This is simply the frame of the pushchair. A chassis is a set of wheels attached to a frame. The frame is collapsible and usually has a shopping basket fitted to it.
A pram unit - The pram unit is usually a carrycot that comes with a mattress. It attaches easily to the chassis to give you a nice pram style pushchair for your newborn. The carrycot also is great not only for using on the pushchair but can come in handy as a travel cot or daytime sleeping basket.
A pushchair unit - The pushchair unit consists of a separate reclining seat that can be either be put so you can have your baby forward facing or rear facing.
These 3 things are what make up a 3 in 1 pushchair and many people find them a great piece of equipment to have. Many travel systems also come with the 3 in 1 components and some carrycots are now sold with fitted kits to enable it to be used as a car seat.
A 3 in 1 pram can be great if you are on a budget as there are many brands that come in around £200. Having a travel system too on top of this will save you even more money, as a car seat alone can cost upwards of £100+.
Of course though this type of system is not for everyone. If you don't own a car a car seat isn't necessary and if you intend to use slings, you may not need the carrycot option. However, if you want a day cot and would like a pram style pushchair for your newborn then it can save you money by giving you an all in one solution for those two problems.
There are of course some downfalls to using this type of system. It can be fairly tricky to convert from pram to pushchair and isn't something you will want to do regularly. Many people find that they consistently use the carrycot until their baby can sit up ok, so this doesn't become a problem.
Storing everything can also be a problem as there are so many components. However this would be a problem anyway, as most likely you will buy everything separately anyway and have even more things e.g. travel cot.