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Environmental Education: A Path Towards Sustainability
Environment has been defined as, the sum total of all conditions, influences, circumstances that surround the developmental process and life of living organisms. It is the inter relationship between the organisms and the elements of nature, and how they affect each other. Environment is an integral part of the everyday life of human beings and mankind has a great role to play in the conservation and improvement of the environment for the simple reason of enjoying a better future. Conversely, unbalanced activities aimed at developmental processes are speeding up environmental degradation and exhaustion of natural resources. This would ultimately account for scarcity of resources and unhealthy atmospheric conditions that would eventually threaten human existence as well as environmental sustainability.
The up keep of the environment is the responsibility of the society at large. Individuals, governments, business houses everyone has their part to play in helping to maintain environmental sustainability. To ensure sustainability people need to be educated about the environment and how to preserve it. As concerns regarding the degradation of the environment have reached its critical levels with issues like global warming and climate change, poor water quality, desertification, over use of land, exhausting fuel resources, governments all over the globe have initiated systems to integrate environmental education into the education system.
Education that looks at different issues of the environment and aims at solving those problems is one of the new focal point of teaching. It is one of the important ways of assisting individuals as well as societies to help resolve primary issues that are leading to the indiscriminate use of present and future uses of the limited natural resources. However, merely by raising awareness through environmental education will not prove to be an appropriate way to bring about rapid change which is required under the present conditions. Education about environment must include ways of improvement and also should stalwartly promote the requirement of social participation as well as personal initiatives to attain the goal of sustainability.
Environmental Education Principles
There are certain principles that should be followed while disseminating knowledge about the environment and sustainable development.
1. Education for sustainability must engage everyone. Irrespective of location, caste, creed, language and physical features everyone should be made a party to the education process that aims at the ecological sustainability.
2. Education related to the ecologic balance is an ongoing process and must be continued lifelong. Learning from past mistakes corrective actions should be taken to make the present and the future better. With time and experience the ability of individuals as well as society as a whole improve in their way of responding effectively towards the environmental needs. Refreshing knowledge and skills with time and using greener approaches towards meeting needs help in sustainable development.
3. Environmental Education must be all encompassing and holistic. It is not necessary that education can only happen in a class room setting. It should be integrated with real life situations and should have an interdisciplinary approach for better understanding.
4. Building proper links of communication is of vital importance for any kind of education. To form a good bond and partnership among the different stakeholders, communication channels for better understanding and sharing of knowledge is of vital importance. Sustainability education and participation in the corrective process is important for all levels of society members.
5. Education for environmental benefits must be in agreement with economic as well as social and goals. It requires incorporating reality to the subject by aiding people gain knowledge and understanding so that they develop the capacity to influence their surrounding as well as the mainstream society towards a sustainable path keeping in line with environmental objectives together with justifiable economic and social and goals.
The up keep of the environment is the responsibility of the society at large. Individuals, governments, business houses everyone has their part to play in helping to maintain environmental sustainability. To ensure sustainability people need to be educated about the environment and how to preserve it. As concerns regarding the degradation of the environment have reached its critical levels with issues like global warming and climate change, poor water quality, desertification, over use of land, exhausting fuel resources, governments all over the globe have initiated systems to integrate environmental education into the education system.
Education that looks at different issues of the environment and aims at solving those problems is one of the new focal point of teaching. It is one of the important ways of assisting individuals as well as societies to help resolve primary issues that are leading to the indiscriminate use of present and future uses of the limited natural resources. However, merely by raising awareness through environmental education will not prove to be an appropriate way to bring about rapid change which is required under the present conditions. Education about environment must include ways of improvement and also should stalwartly promote the requirement of social participation as well as personal initiatives to attain the goal of sustainability.
Environmental Education Principles
There are certain principles that should be followed while disseminating knowledge about the environment and sustainable development.
1. Education for sustainability must engage everyone. Irrespective of location, caste, creed, language and physical features everyone should be made a party to the education process that aims at the ecological sustainability.
2. Education related to the ecologic balance is an ongoing process and must be continued lifelong. Learning from past mistakes corrective actions should be taken to make the present and the future better. With time and experience the ability of individuals as well as society as a whole improve in their way of responding effectively towards the environmental needs. Refreshing knowledge and skills with time and using greener approaches towards meeting needs help in sustainable development.
3. Environmental Education must be all encompassing and holistic. It is not necessary that education can only happen in a class room setting. It should be integrated with real life situations and should have an interdisciplinary approach for better understanding.
4. Building proper links of communication is of vital importance for any kind of education. To form a good bond and partnership among the different stakeholders, communication channels for better understanding and sharing of knowledge is of vital importance. Sustainability education and participation in the corrective process is important for all levels of society members.
5. Education for environmental benefits must be in agreement with economic as well as social and goals. It requires incorporating reality to the subject by aiding people gain knowledge and understanding so that they develop the capacity to influence their surrounding as well as the mainstream society towards a sustainable path keeping in line with environmental objectives together with justifiable economic and social and goals.