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Three Unusual Home Remedies For Armpit Sweating

Home remedies for armpit sweating is a big deal for individuals who suffer from excessive sweating in this area. There are actually many home remedies for armpit sweating but the problem is which one works for you. Although, many individuals swear by so many of these home remedies for armpit sweating, not all are actually effective while others do not work for certain individuals. The best way to see if the home remedies work for you is to try them out for yourself.

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Alum is one of the more effective home remedies for armpit sweating as well as body odor. It actually stops your armpit from getting sweaty and at the same time it tames body odor. It has been used for decades as a home remedy for armpit sweating and is still being used as a natural remedy for body odor. Manufacturers have developed deodorants from alum but some swear that using the raw crystal form is just as good as the deodorants which are more expensive.

The crystal is usually rubbed direct into your armpit after drying from a bath. Care must be taken when applying the alum crystal because some may have jagged edges. It is best to choose smooth rounded crystals to use as home remedies for armpit sweating.

Lime Juice

One more of the astonishing home remedies for armpit sweating is lime juice. You are supposed to divide a key lime (not so ripe) and then rub each half on the armpits. These home remedies for armpit sweating is also said to whiten underarms and eliminate body odor. You will need to air dry your underarms before putting on any clothes since the key lime juice will stain or discolor your clothes. Use of key lime juice as home remedies for armpit sweating is not recommended if you have broken skin or rashes in the armpits.

Vinegar Application

Others also recommend applying malt vinegar or apple cider vinegar on the armpits at night as part of the home remedies for armpits sweating. Apply the vinegar on cleaned armpits before you sleep and let it air dry. When you wake in the morning, wash off the area and you can use your usually deodorant or antiperspirant.

These home remedies for armpit sweating may be sort of unusual especially the key lime juice but many swear that it helps eliminate sweat and body odor. These are usually used when there is little alternative and when over the counter products do not work.

If you want to learn more on how to stop sweating, please visit this site for more information and tips on battling excessive sweating!

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