Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Acid Reflux Treatment That Works - Remedies For Heartburn That Are Effective and Drug-Free

Like thousands of other heartburn sufferers you are probably taking some form of acid reflux treatment to get that much needed relief from the pain and distress that your condition causes.
Furthermore, you are most likely taking one of the many medications that control the amount of acid that your stomach produces.
However, you may be one of the ever growing number of people who are concerned about traditional treatment, particularly drug based medication, because of the serious adverse, potentially harmful side effects that they are known to produce.
If you are, then this article will provide you with an alternative view of your problem and ways of combating, it that do not require the use of any drugs.
Heartburn is caused when acidic stomach contents flow back (reflux) into the gullet and cause the pain that you are all too familiar with.
Acid reflux however, can be triggered by many factors, not simply the quantity of acid in your stomach.
Diet and lifestyle are major factors but there are numerous other possible causes, physical, psychological and environmental.
So simply popping a pill to reduce acid content is just a one dimensional approach to solving the problem and, as you will see, not the best.
As diet and lifestyle are important factors why not start with these.
Making some simple changes to what you eat and how you live can have a dramatic effect on your heartburn.
However, it is most likely that you will need to supplement them with some form additional treatment and now you have a wide choice of totally natural remedies.
Here are five of the most effective remedies that are known to give effective heartburn relief a) Apples - have excellent acid neutralising properties and you can eat as many as you like.
b) Apple Cider Vinegar - proven to have a definite calming effect on stomach acid.
c) Aloe Vera - has long been used in Europe for relieving irritation of the esophagus caused by acid reflux.
d) Baking Soda - one of the best home remedies for heartburn which will get rid of your heartburn instantly by neutralising excess acid.
e) Ginger - has been used for hundreds of years for acid indigestion.
While we must accept that the best treatment for heartburn will differ from person to person, the above products are widely accepted as being extremely effective natural remedies for heartburn.
Used in combination with specific lifestyle changes, they will provide the basis for an effective, drug-free acid reflux treatment, that deals with all the factors that cause your problem.
Furthermore doesn't it make sense that by identifying all the factors that cause your heartburn and dealing with and eliminating each of them, then not only would you have found an acid reflux treatment that works but one that would solve your problem, permanently? The answer is...

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