Technology Software

How to Import 3Ds in Revit

    • 1). Export the desired 3DS Max file (MAX) as either a DWG, DXF or ADSK file. Revit does not allow for MAX files to be directly imported. You will need to convert the file into a file type that is allowed by exporting the file.

    • 2). Save the file in the target folder for the exported file. You have two options for naming the exported file: Keep the same name as the original 3DS Max file or specify a new name in the dialog box.

    • 3). Import the exported MAX file as a DWG, DXF or ADSK file into Revit by going to the "Insert" tab and selecting either the "Link CAD" or "Insert CAD" option. You will need to change the file type in the "Import/Link CAD" dialog box to the correct file type that you will be importing.

    • 4). Check the imported file or object for accuracy. If the file did not import correctly, try to import it again.

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