Technology Software

Dell hails Windows 7, gives a thumb down to Notebooks

Michael Dell thinks Windows is the next best thing that has happened to PCs and denounces to rise of Notebooks.

At a Churchill Club sponsored dinner in Silicon Valley, the Dell founder and CEO, Michael Dell made a bold statement at a flurry of questions directed at the rise of net books. The suave businessman was not in a particular mood to embrace the rise of net books and added that the size of the screens in net books is a big deterrence to customers. He noted that a good amount of customers were not impressed with smaller-screens and lower-performance parts in net books. Certainly, this remarks come as a bit of a surprise since Dell promotes and sells a line of net books in its official website.

However, he sang a different tune for Windows 7 and was more enthusiastic towards this new operating system from Microsoft. He quipped on the prospects of getting the latest processor technology couple with Windows and Office 2010. This he said would be the best recipe to woo all erstwhile, loyal PC lovers back. The CEO also predicted on the status of Windows operating systems and added that with large computer bases still running Windows XP, the launch of Windows 7 and with inputs from Intel chips would lead to a "a very powerful refresh cycle."

At the dinner, he was also asked a question on what his biggest mistake as an executive had been. He promptly answered that it was his folly to stick to the success strategy of his company by cashing in on the benefits of its direct sales models and not digressing his business prospects to other areas. However, he added that his company was in a transitional phase and it is bent on capitalizing on other various aspects like windows 7 requirement, hardware, IT services and solutions.

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