Health & Medical Body building

Obtain Flat Abs - Trim Your Waistline by Simply Keeping a Good Posture Throught the Day

Many times, to obtain flat abs a posture that gives good results is comprised of plank exercises which consists in holding different variations of a "push-up position" for extended periods of time.
The idea is to contract the stomach as if you want your bellybutton to be one with your spine while keeping your spine perfectly straight and your buttocks in line with your whole body.
Aside from this basic posture exercise, you need to go through a complete workout lasting an hour if you committing to it for at least three times a week, otherwise it's very probable that you won't get results.
Therefore, the goal you should have in mind is to plan out the week in such a way that you have three days to work out for at least one hour.
Just make sure the days aren't one after the other, you need at least 48 hours for your muscles to completely recover.
Every movement you perform while exercising involves expenditure of energy.
With this in mind, wouldn't it be beneficial for us to maintain the basic plank posture throughout the day? Technically it would mean we are exercising during the whole day, as long as we're conscious of our posture.
Look at the posture of a ballerina and imitate it.
The stomach is never relaxed and popping out.
Rather it is tucked in.
The same is true with the buttocks.
In other words, the whole body is contracted as if doing the plank position only it is done while standing upright.
While our bodies are contracting there is an accompanying sensation of the muscles being stretched and pulled up.
The tucked in and stretching upward posture can be done while sitting at any time of the day.
In essence, you are doing something to help you to obtain flat abs, but also remember that you'll need to go through a full body workout a few times per week if you want real results.

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