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Artist"s Copyright FAQ: How Long Does Copyright Last?

Question: Artist's Copyright FAQ: How Long Does Copyright Last?


Because the law in the US changed, it depends on when the work was originally created. Works created after 1 January 1978 are protected for the creator's lifetime plus 70 years after death; before this is was for less than 30 years, but could be extended. (This table from the University of North Carolina sets it out very clearly.)

The US Copyright Office will, for a fee, do a search to see if something is copyrighted.

Don't make assumptions based on quick calculations from the time of someone's death; copyright may have been extended (the classic example here is the Peter Pan book).

Go to Full Artist's Copyright FAQ.

Disclaimer: The information given here is based on US copyright law and is given for guidance only; you're advised to consult a copyright lawyer on copyright issues.

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