Dangers When the Mother's Blood Is RH Negative
- Rh sensitization is when an Rh negative person creates antibodies to fight against Rh positive blood. Sensitization occurs only if she has previously received Rh positive blood. This is rare, but it can happen during a transfusion or pregnancy.
- The unborn baby is in danger only if the mother is Rh sensitized. If their blood mixes during pregnancy or birth, antibodies can attack the baby's red blood cells and cause heart failure, anemia and death.
- Rh negative mothers are given Rh immunoglobulin around 26 weeks, after birth, and when there's an increased chance of the mother's and baby's blood mixing, such as after an amniocentesis. The medication prevents sensitization.
- There are typically no dangers related to Rh factor in a first pregnancy. However, if a pregnancy causes sensitization in the mother, her future babies will be at risk.
- If both the mother and father have Rh negative blood, their baby will also. In this situation, there is no danger during pregnancy or for any of the couple's children.