Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Law of Attraction Defined

Many have heard about the Law of Attraction but they find that they are still a little confused about what this time honored belief actually is.
It may actually be easier to begin by describing what the Law of Attraction is not.
This is not meant to be construed as some magic show trick because it is real, and based on scientific principals that occur naturally in the Universe.
The Law of Attraction does not deliver your dearest wishes to you in the blink of an eye just because you want something; you have to open your mind and establish the links to your heart's desire.
The Law of Attraction is an affirmation that each person is responsible for manifesting their own destiny.
As you create your own reality this Universal law is the reason that you are able to attract money, people, jobs, events and experiences into your life each day.
Of course if you do not use the Law of Attraction in the appropriate manner you will also attract any number of negatives into your life.
You may have been envious about that good luck that always seems to strike other people.
When others seem to always get what they want without making much effort it is easy for others to begrudge them their happiness and success.
It may not seem fair that someone else is getting a new job, a raise in pay or a new house when you are constantly struggling just to make ends touch.
Now maybe this supposed "good luck" is due more to the Law of Attraction than just random chance.
You see when things are going your way you are more likely to become optimistic, happy and excited about life.
You just instinctively know that good things lie ahead and therefore good things do indeed continue to enter your life.
This is because positive thoughts create positive energy and this attracts positive experiences and results.
Unfortunately most people have been programmed into expecting the world to collapse.
They have been told that they can not do or achieve the things they really want.
Sometimes it begins with parents and teachers who cause us to have limited beliefs and self doubt.
We are urged not to expect "too much" in life.
We are told to be content with what we have, but why should this be our life mantra? The Law of Attraction introduces us to teachings that allow us to regain our confidence, imagination and belief in a generous, rewarding Universe.
Abundance is out there for everyone if we are only willing to embrace the idea.
Instead of being cautious, nervous and skeptical we all need to learn how to stop concentrating on "what we don't have" and learn how to focus on what we really do need and want.
Positive results happen when we eliminate all negatives.
This means that we have to keep both conscious and unconscious thoughts the same.
You can not hope to get that new job you want if you are undermining your stated intention of a new job with thoughts about how you probably won't get selected.
The Universe is always listening and when you put substance and form to negative thoughts it defeats the positive power of the Law of Attraction.
After all you can not attract money, happiness and love into your life if you do not feel you deserve it.
You have to open your heart and mind and truly believe that you do deserve riches and abundance in order to attract them into your world.
With the Law of Attraction you must learn to ask for what you really want.
Then, once you have formed this specific intention you must be able to honestly believe that this program will be successful.
Self doubt is a deadly enemy that you can not afford to have anywhere near you.
You must also be open to receiving your goals.
Many people attract what they most desire only to lose it because they lack the confidence to reach out with both hands and grab it.
The Law of Attraction has proven time and again that it works but you must also do your part.
You can begin to change your life today and learn to attract those things that will make you happy and successful.

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