Following Up with Politicians Often
Joe Soucheray of KSTP and the Pioneer Press in St. Paul, Minnesota had this to say: if we don't stay on them, they will get it wrong. Who was he talking about? Politicians.
Was he right? And if so, why is he right? I happen to believe he is right and I don't know why he's right but he is. It seems that issue after issue they get it wrong. Then they go back to the drawing board, as it is, and redo what they didn't get right the first seventeen thousand times.
Take the issue of taxes, for example. The current tax code that U.S. politicians subject their constituents to is bloated and just bad. It takes taxpaying citizens numerous hours every year just to fill it out. If you have a question and want a definitive answer from an Internal Revenue Service "expert," it's best that you call two or three times to get a solid answer. If you've never done this in the past, you call up and have the agent answer your question by reading straight from the manual that you have in front of you, no interpretation, no deviation from the "script." So, the general question you have to ask is this, "did the politicians get it right? Did they make it difficult by design?" Who knows, but they certainly didn't get it right.
You can take any issue and apply the same principle. They don't get the obvious things right, that is, what is obvious to you and me. Essentially they do what is best to get them elected next time around. Rarely do they do things because they are the right things to do. It's sad that way, but it's the system we have until another crop of politicians vote to decide to do it a better way, which of course they'll get wrong too.
Was he right? And if so, why is he right? I happen to believe he is right and I don't know why he's right but he is. It seems that issue after issue they get it wrong. Then they go back to the drawing board, as it is, and redo what they didn't get right the first seventeen thousand times.
Take the issue of taxes, for example. The current tax code that U.S. politicians subject their constituents to is bloated and just bad. It takes taxpaying citizens numerous hours every year just to fill it out. If you have a question and want a definitive answer from an Internal Revenue Service "expert," it's best that you call two or three times to get a solid answer. If you've never done this in the past, you call up and have the agent answer your question by reading straight from the manual that you have in front of you, no interpretation, no deviation from the "script." So, the general question you have to ask is this, "did the politicians get it right? Did they make it difficult by design?" Who knows, but they certainly didn't get it right.
You can take any issue and apply the same principle. They don't get the obvious things right, that is, what is obvious to you and me. Essentially they do what is best to get them elected next time around. Rarely do they do things because they are the right things to do. It's sad that way, but it's the system we have until another crop of politicians vote to decide to do it a better way, which of course they'll get wrong too.