Domestic and European Morons, Idiots, and Imbeciles
I initially stipulate that I know that the words moron, idiot, and imbecile have been decreed rude, crude, and politically incorrect. However, unlike the infamous N-word, none of them have as yet been banned from the English language and are still in common usage not only in schoolyards but in watercooler banter and on the airwaves.
Technically, moron, idiot, and imbecile, along with the less commonly-used cretin, are terms referring to various levels of mental retardation, all of which have largely been supplanted by the even more common, all-encompassing and demeaning term, retard, in teenage circles. As a disclaimer, let me clarify that my usage of any of those words in no way is meant to refer to any retarded person. They just fit, in a general sense, a number of people in the public sphere.
One of those people is actor-comedian Chris Elliot who recently tossed around the word moron on national television as if he were very familiar with its original meaning of feebleminded and effectively applied it to himself.
Elliot recently disparaged Jay Lenos nightly The Tonight Show by sucking up on Dave Lettermans nightly The Late Show by saying, Ill tell you right now. That show is for morons. Its not like your show. This show is really for the intellectual elites here, here, assumably being Lettermans show which has a higher standard.
That exchange, which wasnt really an exchange since Letterman wisely only laughed and didnt exchange anything with Elliot. That rare reticence on Daves part may have been attributable to the fact Elliot had been shown to be moronic on Leno by being unaware that wheat was the principal ingredient of bread and was now appearing on the elitist Letterman show in a vain attempt to demonstrate that he wasnt the moron that he is.
As schoolkids were wont to say in the old days, It takes one to know one. Perhaps Elliot thought bread was made from snips and snails and puppy dog tails.
There are morons, and idiots, and imbeciles and then there are morons, idiots, and imbeciles and whatever term best befits Chris Elliot is as irrelevant as he. Far more relevant are the morons, idiots, and imbeciles who run governments and who pretend, like Elliot, that it is not they that arent moronic, idiotic, and imbecilic but someone else.
Unfortunately for them, and for us, theyre the nutcases.
Unfortunately, too, theres so much competition from the likes of Joe Biden, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, et al. that its difficult to choose which individual best epitomizes the categories: In the midst of the Egyptian upheaval, Clown Prince Biden weighs in and says the dictator Mubarak isnt a dictator at all. In the midst of the coldest winter on record, charlatan Gore keeps blogging his nonsense that were cold because were warming. In the midst of failure in establishing a legacy, failed president Carter absurdly contends the nation is more polarized now than during the Civil War.
So many certifiable nitwits, so little time.
Perhaps its best to use the terms idiots and imbeciles more generically. As for imbecilic in the sense of being so far removed from sanity that they are positively scary, the best choice at the moment would have to be Western Europeans.
Just consider what England, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Sweden and others to a greater or lesser extent have done to themselves with regard to Islamic influences.
Whether inspired by misguided humanitarianism or in quest of cheap labor, Western Europe opened the floodgates to an influx of massive numbers of people who are noted for their propensity to reproduce. Worse, either they could not or would not assimilate into their new cultures and instead are in the process of subverting and dominating those cultures.
If deliberate national suicide isnt a sign of imbecility, what is?
Recently-elected British Prime Minister David Cameron, echoing warnings previous articulated by former PM Tony Blair, has issued a long-overdue if diplomatically tempered clarion call to Europe: It must wake up to Islamic extremism or be swallowed up by its new arrivals. Addressing the Munich Security Conference this week, Cameron warned that excessive European tolerance of Muslim extremists is undermining the continents centuries-old traditions and belief systems.
Specifically, he spoke of nonviolent extremists, who denounce Western politics and culture prefatory to turning violent and said that, We wont defeat terrorism simply by the actions we take outside our borders. Europe needs to wake up to what is happening in our own countries. He also criticized his predecessor, Gordon Brown, for his tolerance of extremist views and added, We have even tolerated these segregated [Muslim] communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values. We have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. Weve been too cautious, frankly even fearful, to stand up to them.
In a shot across the Muslim bow and in what must have been a shocker to native European, and American, liberals, he also pronounced state multiculturalism dead: []
Chris Elliots moronic display was just amusing. The idiotic imbecility of Western Europe to date has been beyond comprehension. With any luck, Europeans will revert to national sanity. If Lady Luck turns her back, Islam will conquer Europe without firing a shot and America will be next.
Technically, moron, idiot, and imbecile, along with the less commonly-used cretin, are terms referring to various levels of mental retardation, all of which have largely been supplanted by the even more common, all-encompassing and demeaning term, retard, in teenage circles. As a disclaimer, let me clarify that my usage of any of those words in no way is meant to refer to any retarded person. They just fit, in a general sense, a number of people in the public sphere.
One of those people is actor-comedian Chris Elliot who recently tossed around the word moron on national television as if he were very familiar with its original meaning of feebleminded and effectively applied it to himself.
Elliot recently disparaged Jay Lenos nightly The Tonight Show by sucking up on Dave Lettermans nightly The Late Show by saying, Ill tell you right now. That show is for morons. Its not like your show. This show is really for the intellectual elites here, here, assumably being Lettermans show which has a higher standard.
That exchange, which wasnt really an exchange since Letterman wisely only laughed and didnt exchange anything with Elliot. That rare reticence on Daves part may have been attributable to the fact Elliot had been shown to be moronic on Leno by being unaware that wheat was the principal ingredient of bread and was now appearing on the elitist Letterman show in a vain attempt to demonstrate that he wasnt the moron that he is.
As schoolkids were wont to say in the old days, It takes one to know one. Perhaps Elliot thought bread was made from snips and snails and puppy dog tails.
There are morons, and idiots, and imbeciles and then there are morons, idiots, and imbeciles and whatever term best befits Chris Elliot is as irrelevant as he. Far more relevant are the morons, idiots, and imbeciles who run governments and who pretend, like Elliot, that it is not they that arent moronic, idiotic, and imbecilic but someone else.
Unfortunately for them, and for us, theyre the nutcases.
Unfortunately, too, theres so much competition from the likes of Joe Biden, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, et al. that its difficult to choose which individual best epitomizes the categories: In the midst of the Egyptian upheaval, Clown Prince Biden weighs in and says the dictator Mubarak isnt a dictator at all. In the midst of the coldest winter on record, charlatan Gore keeps blogging his nonsense that were cold because were warming. In the midst of failure in establishing a legacy, failed president Carter absurdly contends the nation is more polarized now than during the Civil War.
So many certifiable nitwits, so little time.
Perhaps its best to use the terms idiots and imbeciles more generically. As for imbecilic in the sense of being so far removed from sanity that they are positively scary, the best choice at the moment would have to be Western Europeans.
Just consider what England, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Sweden and others to a greater or lesser extent have done to themselves with regard to Islamic influences.
Whether inspired by misguided humanitarianism or in quest of cheap labor, Western Europe opened the floodgates to an influx of massive numbers of people who are noted for their propensity to reproduce. Worse, either they could not or would not assimilate into their new cultures and instead are in the process of subverting and dominating those cultures.
If deliberate national suicide isnt a sign of imbecility, what is?
Recently-elected British Prime Minister David Cameron, echoing warnings previous articulated by former PM Tony Blair, has issued a long-overdue if diplomatically tempered clarion call to Europe: It must wake up to Islamic extremism or be swallowed up by its new arrivals. Addressing the Munich Security Conference this week, Cameron warned that excessive European tolerance of Muslim extremists is undermining the continents centuries-old traditions and belief systems.
Specifically, he spoke of nonviolent extremists, who denounce Western politics and culture prefatory to turning violent and said that, We wont defeat terrorism simply by the actions we take outside our borders. Europe needs to wake up to what is happening in our own countries. He also criticized his predecessor, Gordon Brown, for his tolerance of extremist views and added, We have even tolerated these segregated [Muslim] communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values. We have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. Weve been too cautious, frankly even fearful, to stand up to them.
In a shot across the Muslim bow and in what must have been a shocker to native European, and American, liberals, he also pronounced state multiculturalism dead: []
Chris Elliots moronic display was just amusing. The idiotic imbecility of Western Europe to date has been beyond comprehension. With any luck, Europeans will revert to national sanity. If Lady Luck turns her back, Islam will conquer Europe without firing a shot and America will be next.