Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

A Great Marriage Tip For Men

Here is a great marriage tip for men that may sound very easy as you read it but is actually incredibly difficult to put into practice.
If wives could give marriage advice to their husbands (and their husbands would listen) most women would tell men they simply need to listen.
When men hear this advice they generally roll their eyes and think about long hours of sitting on a couch listening to endless trivialities of the day from their wives.
While this may be the case occasionally, much more important than long chat sessions listening actually plays a vital role in communication with your spouse and the way you resolve conflict.
If the goal of communication is mutual understanding most men miss it completely by thinking about communication simply as a contest to be won.
When this happens conversations that could be completed in minutes can turn into fights that can last for days.
So men could actually free up more time in their day but stopping to listen to their wives.
The simple and effective way to listen to your spouse is to practice what is called active listening.
This is similar to the technique that salesmen use when they paraphrase back what they hear their perspective customer saying.
This makes the person feel listened to and communicates that rather than forming a rebuttal or they are actually interested in what the person is saying.
The same technique can work wonders for a husband in marriage.
Rather than building his case while his wife speaks he needs to listen and paraphrase back what he hears.
If communication is strained in the relationship it might take some time to see the results but this little technique has saved many marriages and turned many mediocre relationships into great ones.
Women this technique works great for wives as well.

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