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How to Have a Meaningful Relationship With Someone With a Type A Personality

    Steps in Creating a Healthy Relationship with a Type A Person

    • 1). Be on time. Punctuality is a good habit to have so be on time when meeting your Type A person. Avoid being late. But if you are running late, call the person. Meanwhile, assure your Type A that you will have fun no matter what you do so there is no need for urgency during the time the two of you are together.

    • 2). Be and stay calm. Your Type A person may be prone to exhibit hostility due to the sense of urgency. If you can remain calm, your Type A person will eventually calm down. Clearly state that you will do your best to work with his needs in order to ease his frustration but under no circumstances is he allowed to take out his frustration on you. Do your best to work with your Type A person. For example, if cleanliness is a source of frustration, divide the workload and keep your end.

    • 3). Engage in healthy competition. If your Type A person is sporty, start a tennis match. If you're staying inside, play a few rounds of a board game. Make sure to be clear from the beginning that you're in it purely for the fun and the competition should not interfere with the game. If your Type A person becomes angry during the game, remain calm and disengage. Resume the match or the game only when your Type A person has calmed down.

    • 4). Maintain communication. Listening and communicating are essential in maintaining a relationship with a Type A person. Listen to her goals and needs and make sure to communicate your own needs as well. If your Type A partner is extremely organized, write things down such as a list of daily chores or a grocery list. Develop a plan to accomplish your lists that fits both of your schedules. For example, if you need your nightly run but your partner needs help cleaning after dinner, you might want to compromise by taking out the trash on your way out.

    • 5). Help relax your partner. A Type A person tends to be stressed. Participate with him in relaxing activities such as walking by the beach, yoga, or watching TV. You could also purchase spa treatments for your partner to release tension. Try to do something fun together at least once a week.

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