Health & Medical Body building

Killer Abs Made Easy

Let us target fat loss and primarily BELLY FAT.
This is one of the toughest areas to lose fat from.
You can strip off fat from your butt, thighs and waist easier than you can from your belly and that is because of the mistakes people make with their training and diet.
Even most trainers don't know the secrets to a toned belly.
If you are a lady you are most definitely looking at tone and definition with the sexy cut around the sides going down to the centre of your pubic bone.
If you are a man then you are going for that "elusive" 6 pack.
I will let you into a few secrets so that no matter what sex you are you can get the abs you have been looking to get.
The number 1 thing TO DO is to STOP ALL CRUNCHES AND SIT UPS.
Crunches and sit ups are the worst exercise for your back.
They not only compromise your spine but also your neck and worse still your back does 90% of the work.
I know there are people who tell you that they do 200 crunches and sit ups per day and work on their abs every single day but the reason they have a 6 pack is that they are doing something ELSE BY ACCIDENT.
They are not aware of the foods they are eating my accident which help them to get toned abs.
Most people who do crunches and Sit ups eventually develop lower back and spine injuries because of the tremendous and quite frankly unnecessary strain they put on their backs and necks.
Try these 3 exercises instead:- Do crunches on a "Stability ball", "Stability Ball crunches" - with your chin tilted towards the sky at all times and hands either by your side - for beginners, hands crossed on your chest - intermediate level or fingertips touching the ears - advanced level.
Then after taking your position come up to the sky very slowly and go down fast.
Then work your obliques by lifting your upper body to the right slowly and down fast and then to the left slowly and down fast.
Repeat this whole sequence 10 times.
All 3 motions indicate 1 rep.
Or if you are still not strong enough then slowly work up to 10 reps.
The next exercise is "Mountain Climbers".
If you are a beginner then place your hands on the ground and then bring each knee to chest alternating each side.
If you are at intermediate level then you can speed it up by pushing off the back foot and bring the opposite leg on the ground between your hands.
If you are at the advanced level then you can to the beginner variation but place your hands on a Stability ball.
You can round off the circuit with "Stability Ball jack knife.
" Place your hands on a bench at 90 degree angle to your body and place your feet on a stability ball and roll your feet towards your chest for a count of 3 and back fast.
Repeat this for 10 reps and work up to 20 reps.
Work each exercise for a minimum of 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest between them and then gradually work up to 50 seconds per exercise and 10 seconds rest.
Do the above circuit twice.
Tomorrow we look at "Belly Fat Burning foods".
Stay Strong and Beautiful!

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