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5 Tips on Keeping Your Child Safe in the Digital World

The digital advances have shrunk the world and exposed the current generation to anything and everything. The Internet is at the top of the digital advances list, its usage is every increasing. It is like a master key to every treasure chest of knowledge that could possibly exist.
Nothing in this world is all good. The internet that might be a treasure chest to some, could also turn into a Pandora's Box if not used well. While adults themselves use the internet in ways that you are well aware of, children on the other hand might not possess the maturity to filter the information that they view. As parents it is your untold responsibility to guide and protect your child. Now this does not mean you time travel into the Stone Age Era and stop your kids from using the technology and the internet but the least you could do is monitor Your Kids Online Activity.
Mind you, monitoring your kids online activity does not mean stalking their every move. Avoid being sceptical about your child, if you have given them the right guidance they will not let you down. But do not trust your child blindly because what might seem like harmless fun to them might turn into a big mess if not taken care of.
Certain things you could follow in order to monitor Your Kids Online Activity while still giving them the space they require are:
1. Give your child Internet usage hours, depending on their age and requirement. There is no specific time limit for an age group, you would be the best judge of the time they will require.
2. Use an online internet monitoring software that would help you to keep track of the internet activity.
3. Use app or software and block the sites that you consider harmful for your child.
4. Do not ignore the online games they play, this is an easily ignored aspect. But studies show that violent video games encourage violence in kids because they try to emulate the games.
5. Keep an eye on their social networking usage but at the same time do not make them feel strangled.
Whatever choice you make about filtering programs, no software can take the place of an actively involved parent. So, most importantly have a good bond with your child, so that they feel free enough to talk to you in case of any trouble in this big scary digital world.
Stay aware, stay protected.

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