Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Remove a Sticker From a Car Windshield

    • 1). Protect the vehicle's interior around the sticker's location with plastic sheeting. Use tape to hold the sheeting in place.

    • 2). Apply water to the sticker with a wet sponge, soaking it thoroughly. Allow moisture to migrate through the sticker material.

    • 3). Hold the razor blade or plastic scraper at a shallow angle at one edge or corner of the sticker. Begin to loosen the sticker by gently pushing the blade under the corner or edge. Continue until you have removed the entire sticker or decal.

    • 4). Apply acetone or degreaser to a paper towel. Apply to residue and wait a few minutes for it to work. Remove the loosened debris with the razor blade or scraper, followed by a paper towel.

    • 5). Dilute soap in water and use the mixture or glass cleaner to clean any film remaining from the removal area.

    • 6). Clean up the work area, dispose of used paper towels and other debris properly, and remove the tape and plastic sheeting.

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