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The Way To Win At Warfare

There are many principles of warfare and many different people will tell you many different things and I dont refute or rebuff any of them. I will probably hit on just a few of the principals that you have probably heard in your life but the things that I will talk about are tried and true whether they be used in an armed conflict between two nations, in a boxing ring, or in a street fight between two opposing gangs. It is not the strongest person or force which will necessarily win the battle. It is the one who uses more of his assets and talents to dictate the action. In other words in order to be victorious you must keep your opponent off balance. He must have to constantly react to whatever it is that you are doing. This limits his initiative and keeps him back on his heels. The army or force which can accomplish this feat will always win the battle and the war.

Winning is a matter of being the most aggressive in as many ways as you possibly can. It involves attacking the enemy on all possible fronts simultaneously and keeping him under relentless pressure. Now when you attempt to keep this kind of pressure on him you put yourself and your forces under intense pressure also. This type of warfare will wear your own forces down as well but if you can take a greater toll on him you will be successful.

Sometimes morale is the one factor which will win the war for you. The army who is willing to fight will often win even if they dont have the forces or equipment. A motivated army is an intangible which is probably more valuable than any other factor that you can use to help predict victory.

The successful commander is bold and audacious. He is willing to take calculated risks but is not reckless. He has trained his troops to not be afraid to make decisions and take action. Many battles are won by the innovation and initiative of individuals who have to make judgment decisions during the heat of battle. The smart commander will train his people to use their minds and any resources available to them in order to get the job done.

The commander who will win the battle will have to use the factors of surprise, speed, and force to his advantage. He uses surprise to hit the enemy at a time when and where he least expects it. A good example of this was when Hannibal who was an African general marched his army across the Swiss Alps to catch the mighty Roman Army by surprise and defeat them. This was the same tactic that the coalition forces used in Iraq in order to defeat Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War. They also demoralized his forces so that when the actual attack did begin most of them didnt have the heart to fight for long. Another good example of this was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaii. If they had been able to keep the pressure on during that conflict they would have done much better. Their biggest mistake was withdrawing back across the Pacific after they had won this sneak attack. The proper action would have been to seek out and destroy the remainder of our forces in the Pacific and to prevent us from ever fielding another naval presence in the region.

Speed is essential because you want to kill the enemy before he is able to recover from the initial shock of being attacked and mount a counterattack. The speedy enemy will be able to quickly exploit weak points and gain a foothold on enemy territory. The speedy attacker will be able to skirt around strong points and built up areas and hit the weaker softer underbelly of his enemy.

The final basic principal that I would like to hit on is the principal of mass. The successful commander will mass his strengths against the weaknesses of his enemy. He searches until he finds soft spots or seams in the defenses and he exploits them with all possible violence and force. His aim is to win and there is no better way than to hit the enemy hardest where he is weakest. He must quickly exploit all gains that he makes by doing so and keep the pressure on his foe. The army which applies all of these principals will ultimately win the battle. Military Ring Express

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