Health & Medical Diabetes

Steviocal: Best Weight Loss Diet

 Diabetes is a disease that is spreading all over the world at an alarming rate. With this growing incidence of diabetes, much importance is now given to factors that control it, primary being diet. Diabetes diet has now become necessary for diabetics and in these diets; sugar is a big no. Apart from other effects, sugar has calories that cause obesity, a major cause of diabetes. For a person to lose weight, it is important to lose calories and taking Steviocal, the zero calories sugar free sweetener made from Stevia rebaudiana leaves helps much.

 Apart from helping in weight loss , other benefits of Stevia include increase in insulin production, insulin sensitivity and helping of reversal of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. There are other alternatives now available for sugar, but Steviocal is the best. Not only is weight loss necessary for treatment of diabetes, being overweight causes other complications, many of them life threatening. Reducing minimal weight makes a difference in the way a person feels in many ways. The other benefits of weight loss includes decrease in the risk of heart disease or stroke, lower cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, increased energy levels and reduced aches and pains. Reducing weight also improves mobility, breathing and sleep.

Along with diet, regular physical activity and life style changes are also important for losing weight. Stevia rebaudiana, also know as sweet leaf, sugar leaf or Stevia has been used as a weight loss ingredient and sweetener in countries like Japan for centuries. In countries like Paraguay and Brazil, along with being used as a sweetener, Stevia has also been used as a medicine. It has been used for long in the treatment for diabetes mellitus type 2 in South America. Over the years, the number of countries where Stevia is used as a weight loss product or as a sweetener has been increasing.

 Many weight loss diets are prescribed today, and including Steviocal also one of the best weight loss diet will go a long way in getting results. It is already the choice of millions all across the world.Steviocal is a natural sweetener having no toxic or side effects and has become a healthy constituent of diabetes and carbohydrate controlled diets. Currently it is available in packs containing sachets.

 Steviocal, or Stevia, has been in use for many years now and years of modern, research has made us aware of its benefits.With further research going on, we will soon know more benefits of this useful product.

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