Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes - Some Facts You Should Know

When you are diagnosed with high blood sugar level, that is diabetes, your first reaction is that of shock; and then all sorts of negative thoughts descend upon you - now I will have to stay indoors and keep injecting myself with insulin, now it's the end of the world for me.
Is it? Well, perhaps it is time for you to know certain facts about diabetes so that you accept it as a part of your life and take it in your stride.
What is Diabetes? The food we take is ultimately broken down by our body into glucose, a form of sugar.
With the help of a particular hormone known as insulin, our body converts this glucose into energy which is required for us to live and work.
Diabetes is a condition in which the body is not able to produce insulin and therefore is unable to convert glucose into energy.
This leads to two results - you feel tired and rundown because of lack of energy; and two, glucose starts accumulating in your blood leading to dangerously high blood sugar levels.
Why did I get it? Diabetes has a genetic basis; however, its expression depends on environment.
That means, if you don't have the genetic conditions responsible for diabetes, you will never get it, irrespective of how much sugars or fats you consume.
Even if you have the genetic conditions responsible for it, you can delay it or reduce its severity by following a healthy lifestyle and diet pattern.
However, if you have the genetic conditions and also follow an unhealthy lifestyle and diet pattern, then you are in for a really difficult time.
Will I live like a patient now? From the above discussion, it follows that you can't really prevent diabetes if you have it in your genes, but you can very well manage it by having a healthy diet and following a healthy lifestyle.
If you do it, and take your medication regularly, you will live like just another normal and healthy person.
Are there variations in Diabetes? Yes.
Diabetes is of two types.
Type I diabetes is also known as juvenile onset or insulin dependent diabetes.
In it the body altogether stops producing insulin.
Therefore, Type I diabetics have to take insulin injections daily.
Type II diabetes is also called adult onset or non insulin dependent diabetes.
In it the body produces insulin but is unable to use it properly.
In most cases, it can be managed with oral medication.
Diabetes is a life long condition.
However, it needn't send you into despair.
You can have a healthy and enjoyable life even in spite of it.

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