Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

7 Vital Factors to Consider When Creating Chicken Houses

Before you create your own chicken house for your backyard chickens, bear in mind that it is neither a complex nor a too difficult task if you have done your assignment at the incipient.
First and foremost, you need to do an extensive research and planning to be able to create a very good chicken house.
To be able to save on money, time, and effort, you must take into consideration these 7 vital factors in building your chicken houses, which include the following: 1.
Size; 2.
Lighting; 3.
Ventilation; 4.
Insulation; 5.
Waterers and Feeders; 6.
Predators; and 7.
Nesting boxes.
You must allow a reasonable space for your chickens to move and inhabit the coop.
Typically allow a coop that's 3-4 square feet to 6-10 square feet in size to allow room for your chicken.
Chickens will need a good lighting system in order for them to nest and lay eggs.
Install some windows for your chicken to allow some natural light from the sun.
Also, you will have to consider ventilation.
Allow some fresh air in and out the chicken coop for your chickens health and comfort.
You must also need to consider proper insulation.
Keep your chickens warm during the cold and winter season.
Prepare your chicken by adding proper insulation to aid in drastic temperature drop.
One crucial requirement for a good chicken coop is to have a nice feeder and waterer for your chickens.
It should be kept clean and fresh at all times.
If raising chickens for eggs, it is important to having nesting boxes for the hens to lay in.
Allow one nesting box per two hens.
They do not like to be crowded when laying.
Finally, watch out for predators, typical predators include raccoons, foxes, coyotes, skunks, fisher cats and hawks.
Wire mesh fencing is commonly used to keep the chickens in and predators out.
It is very vital when building a very good chicken coop to have a well-written blueprint to work with.
So, make use of these factors in considering the overall welfare and success of your chicken houses.

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