The Fear of Flight
We know that a fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, that a fear of enclosed spaces is termed claustrophobia, but what is the fear of flying called? The answer is aerophobia, or aviatophobia.
This condition can range from mild to severe, and it can greatly decrease the quality of life for someone if they actually need to fly.
Not being able to visit long-distance relatives, friends, or business associates may cause trouble in a person's life if they are afraid to fly.
Treating the Problem Head-on People experiencing this condition may react to flying or the thought of flying in various ways.
Some may become nauseous and vomit, while others may experience panic attacks or faint.
People may try to avoid planes, airports, or even the thought of flying itself with this phobia.
This phobia is actually among the more common ones but can be helped.
Breathing exercises are the simplest method but can be effective for overcoming flying anxiety.
Desensitization is another technique to fight this fear.
This technique involves the gradual exposure of an aerophobic to flying or flying-related activities.
It should start off small with very short flights or even just a trip to the airport to watch planes take off.
With some patience, this behavioral therapy can help reduce the stress and fear associated with flying for those with a fear of it.
Exposure therapy through virtual reality simulation is another option.
Finally, hypnotherapy and other alternative therapy techniques can be used.
The Causes for Such a Fear Causes for a fear of flying may include: • Previous traumatic event associated with flying or airplanes • Claustrophobia or agoraphobia • Generally high anxiety • Lack of experience flying • Misconceptions about flying and airplanes • Not knowing the technical aspects of flying or being confused about the construction of planes Getting Help and Support The above list of causes is in no way complete and is ultimately shaped by the individual's experiences and background.
Education and therapy can help combat whatever the problem may be, though, and people experiencing a phobia of flying in airplanes can overcome their issues with some time and effort.
Baby steps are key in the process of getting over a fear like this.
Support from family, friends, and the cabin crew can truly make for a better experience for these people.
The Flying Details As mentioned previously, knowing the facts about flying may be beneficial in helping those who fear flying in a plane.
For instance, the Aircraft Crashes Record Office, or ACRO, recorded almost one-hundred fewer airplane accidents in 2009 than it did in 1999.
Technology has greatly improved throughout the history of aviation.
Major plane disasters get a lot of news coverage, giving them the impression of being common.
However, they are not as common as they may be portrayed.
Certainly, people who may be afraid to fly should read up on statistics or other information to calm their nerves about boarding their next plane.
This condition can range from mild to severe, and it can greatly decrease the quality of life for someone if they actually need to fly.
Not being able to visit long-distance relatives, friends, or business associates may cause trouble in a person's life if they are afraid to fly.
Treating the Problem Head-on People experiencing this condition may react to flying or the thought of flying in various ways.
Some may become nauseous and vomit, while others may experience panic attacks or faint.
People may try to avoid planes, airports, or even the thought of flying itself with this phobia.
This phobia is actually among the more common ones but can be helped.
Breathing exercises are the simplest method but can be effective for overcoming flying anxiety.
Desensitization is another technique to fight this fear.
This technique involves the gradual exposure of an aerophobic to flying or flying-related activities.
It should start off small with very short flights or even just a trip to the airport to watch planes take off.
With some patience, this behavioral therapy can help reduce the stress and fear associated with flying for those with a fear of it.
Exposure therapy through virtual reality simulation is another option.
Finally, hypnotherapy and other alternative therapy techniques can be used.
The Causes for Such a Fear Causes for a fear of flying may include: • Previous traumatic event associated with flying or airplanes • Claustrophobia or agoraphobia • Generally high anxiety • Lack of experience flying • Misconceptions about flying and airplanes • Not knowing the technical aspects of flying or being confused about the construction of planes Getting Help and Support The above list of causes is in no way complete and is ultimately shaped by the individual's experiences and background.
Education and therapy can help combat whatever the problem may be, though, and people experiencing a phobia of flying in airplanes can overcome their issues with some time and effort.
Baby steps are key in the process of getting over a fear like this.
Support from family, friends, and the cabin crew can truly make for a better experience for these people.
The Flying Details As mentioned previously, knowing the facts about flying may be beneficial in helping those who fear flying in a plane.
For instance, the Aircraft Crashes Record Office, or ACRO, recorded almost one-hundred fewer airplane accidents in 2009 than it did in 1999.
Technology has greatly improved throughout the history of aviation.
Major plane disasters get a lot of news coverage, giving them the impression of being common.
However, they are not as common as they may be portrayed.
Certainly, people who may be afraid to fly should read up on statistics or other information to calm their nerves about boarding their next plane.