Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Personal Injury and Workers Compensation

Employment plays an important role in people's lives. An individual spends a considerable time at his place of employment and therefore it is essential to keep the workplace safe and free from causing any harm to the employee. Certain industries are such that there are possibilities of injury to the person or even health hazards which can occur if certain guidelines are not followed or precautions are not taken. This is the whole purpose of labour laws which are designed to provide the employee with a safe working environment and compensate him/her for any losses or injuries suffered at the workplace.

Understanding labour laws

Labour laws are also known as employment laws and are designed to govern the relationship between the employees, employers, trade unions and governments. These laws lay down rules for the safe maintenance of the workplace and keep in check the safety of the employees at the workplace. In cases where an employer is found indulging in direct negligence or non-compliance or improper application of laws and safeguards as prescribed by the labour laws, the employee suffering as a result is awarded compensation from the employer for any loss suffered due to such reason. Labour laws provide for lawyers who practice labour law such as a Portland personal injury attorney or workers compensation attorney, to represent and help those employees who have suffered a disadvantage due to the negligence on part of their employer or because of their employer not following the law.

More about personal injury

It is sometimes possible for employees to suffer an injury of a minor or even a serious kind due to improper application of laws on the part of the employer. In such cases, where injury is found to be a direct result of the wrongdoing on the part of the employer, the employee is due damages from the employer as per law. A good personal injury attorney from Portland can ensure proper legal representation for such an employee who has suffered the injury. The lawyer would be responsible for explaining to the employee the various recourses and remedies available to him under law and will also be responsible for taking such a case to its proper legal conclusion in a court of law if necessary. Sometimes, such an attorney may even work with some of the best workers compensation attorneys to give you the best possible representation.

More about workers compensation

Workers compensation is an insurance that provides medical benefits and wage replacements to those employees who have been injured in the course of their employment if such employee voluntarily relinquishes his right to sue their employer who is primarily responsible for the injury on account of negligence. The Portland workman's compensation attorneys are responsible for representing the aggrieved employees and filing their claims for workman's compensation and explaining to their clients what is involved in the process. They are also responsible for explaining the various types of compensation available to the workers and what they can fairly expect the outcome of the claims to be.

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