Personalize Article Marketing
One of the keys to successful article marketing is writing consistently.
That pretty much means writing at least one article, if not two, five to six days a week.
But we can't write all six to twelve articles at once can we? So it's important to focus in on the one article we can write while it has our forty-five minutes of time.
We can personalize article marketing by giving focused attention to each article we write.
It's a Reflection Our words reflect who we are on the inside.
We can personalize article marketing by making sure that we do not write phrases or ideas in our articles that we do not agree with, or mean.
Once our article is out there in the big bad world there is no taking it back.
And, if we write enough we soon develop a fan base, or audience that reads what we have to say on a consistent basis.
Our articles do not need to be the epiphany of perfection.
But they should be a reflection of our personality and they should not contradict our values.
We reach our audience by staying true to ourselves.
Inspiration I've always thought of writing as its own art form.
Words don't just flow without inspiration.
I personalize article marketing by finding my inspiration.
For example, I'm inspired to write this article for two reasons.
One, I love to write about what I know.
Two, I love to help others by sharing what I know with them.
I'm also inspired by the beautiful day I see dawning outside my window.
I'm inspired by the business I'm developing by focusing on what I love to do in the first place, writing.
Inspiration can come from just about anywhere.
All we have to do is find it.
Engage Once we find our inspiration it's almost a cinch to engage our audience.
I believe that inspiration brings with it a since of passion.
All of sudden, we are brimming with this exciting and anxious need to take the inspiration we have on the inside and get it out into the world.
But inspiration alone is not enough to personalize article marketing.
Imagine yourself sitting there at your computer sipping your morning cup of coffee, or in my husband's case your morning glass of soda.
An idea is beginning to develop about a product you're anxious to share with others.
You ask yourself, how can I make them understand what I know about the value of this product? The simple answer is show them, don't tell them.
Use adjectives to personalize article marketing.
Draw your reader into your article with descriptions.
Tell your reader a story.
Get his or her interest.
Many times writers will accomplish this by beginning their article with a hook.
We hook our readers in by asking a question or making a statement that grabs their interest and compels them to continue reading.
It doesn't take much to personalize article marketing.
Add your thoughts and feelings.
Tell your readers a story.
Describe what you are promoting.
Stay true to yourself.
So, go forth and write to your heart's content my friends.
Have fun with it.
Article marketing can be a lot of fun as we begin to connect with our readers and make our imprint on the world at large.
That pretty much means writing at least one article, if not two, five to six days a week.
But we can't write all six to twelve articles at once can we? So it's important to focus in on the one article we can write while it has our forty-five minutes of time.
We can personalize article marketing by giving focused attention to each article we write.
It's a Reflection Our words reflect who we are on the inside.
We can personalize article marketing by making sure that we do not write phrases or ideas in our articles that we do not agree with, or mean.
Once our article is out there in the big bad world there is no taking it back.
And, if we write enough we soon develop a fan base, or audience that reads what we have to say on a consistent basis.
Our articles do not need to be the epiphany of perfection.
But they should be a reflection of our personality and they should not contradict our values.
We reach our audience by staying true to ourselves.
Inspiration I've always thought of writing as its own art form.
Words don't just flow without inspiration.
I personalize article marketing by finding my inspiration.
For example, I'm inspired to write this article for two reasons.
One, I love to write about what I know.
Two, I love to help others by sharing what I know with them.
I'm also inspired by the beautiful day I see dawning outside my window.
I'm inspired by the business I'm developing by focusing on what I love to do in the first place, writing.
Inspiration can come from just about anywhere.
All we have to do is find it.
Engage Once we find our inspiration it's almost a cinch to engage our audience.
I believe that inspiration brings with it a since of passion.
All of sudden, we are brimming with this exciting and anxious need to take the inspiration we have on the inside and get it out into the world.
But inspiration alone is not enough to personalize article marketing.
Imagine yourself sitting there at your computer sipping your morning cup of coffee, or in my husband's case your morning glass of soda.
An idea is beginning to develop about a product you're anxious to share with others.
You ask yourself, how can I make them understand what I know about the value of this product? The simple answer is show them, don't tell them.
Use adjectives to personalize article marketing.
Draw your reader into your article with descriptions.
Tell your reader a story.
Get his or her interest.
Many times writers will accomplish this by beginning their article with a hook.
We hook our readers in by asking a question or making a statement that grabs their interest and compels them to continue reading.
It doesn't take much to personalize article marketing.
Add your thoughts and feelings.
Tell your readers a story.
Describe what you are promoting.
Stay true to yourself.
So, go forth and write to your heart's content my friends.
Have fun with it.
Article marketing can be a lot of fun as we begin to connect with our readers and make our imprint on the world at large.