Beginner"s Guide to Raising Chickens - Get Started on the Right Path in Keeping Healthy Chickens
Is this your first time to raise chickens? If yes, then this article is perfect for you.
Because you are new with all the chicken requirements and necessities, you must exert great effort to know what they need and how to raise them.
Follow this guide to raising chickens and later on, you can get started with your new hobby.
• Go to your local government Before you select the right breed of chicken for your farm, you should first consult your local government about the laws and ordinances related to chicken rearing.
Because there are some instances that the government doesn't allow chicken raising in their area.
• Inform your neighbors Chickens cluck in wee hours of the morning and your neighbors might get annoyed with all the cock-a-doodle-doo sounds they hear from your pets.
So, before you plan to build a whole family of chickens in your backyard, talk to your neighbors first if they are okay with it.
Hens are actually quieter than roosters.
• Have a budget One of the essential things you need to follow in this guide to raising chickens is to set aside a budget for rearing your flock.
It is very important for you to know that chickens are just the same as any other pets.
It should be fed properly, vaccinated on time, and must be given proper shelter and space.
Their surroundings should be kept clean all the time.
You must allot a specific time for playing with them so that they can develop a good relationship with you.
• Provide enough space Your chickens must be placed away from your neighbors.
As a guide to raising chickens, you must provide at least two square feet of covered area and an outdoor area of eight square feet.
Build their coops and design them for your own convenience.
If you plan to keep hens, make a dark nesting area to let your hens lay the eggs there.
Always remember to keep them protected from raccoons, foxes, and other wild predators.
• Properly select the breed Chickens have so many breeds.
There is what you call the Delaware, Wyandotte, Leghorn, Dominique, Buckeye and Brahma.
These are the different types of chickens available in the local farm store.
You must think of what you want first before buying.
If this is done, you won't encounter unfamiliar problems later.
This guide to raising chickens is offered to those who are just new to chicken rearing.
It is comprehensive, updated and direct.
So, digest the information given here and start to build your own healthy flock in less than a week.
Because you are new with all the chicken requirements and necessities, you must exert great effort to know what they need and how to raise them.
Follow this guide to raising chickens and later on, you can get started with your new hobby.
• Go to your local government Before you select the right breed of chicken for your farm, you should first consult your local government about the laws and ordinances related to chicken rearing.
Because there are some instances that the government doesn't allow chicken raising in their area.
• Inform your neighbors Chickens cluck in wee hours of the morning and your neighbors might get annoyed with all the cock-a-doodle-doo sounds they hear from your pets.
So, before you plan to build a whole family of chickens in your backyard, talk to your neighbors first if they are okay with it.
Hens are actually quieter than roosters.
• Have a budget One of the essential things you need to follow in this guide to raising chickens is to set aside a budget for rearing your flock.
It is very important for you to know that chickens are just the same as any other pets.
It should be fed properly, vaccinated on time, and must be given proper shelter and space.
Their surroundings should be kept clean all the time.
You must allot a specific time for playing with them so that they can develop a good relationship with you.
• Provide enough space Your chickens must be placed away from your neighbors.
As a guide to raising chickens, you must provide at least two square feet of covered area and an outdoor area of eight square feet.
Build their coops and design them for your own convenience.
If you plan to keep hens, make a dark nesting area to let your hens lay the eggs there.
Always remember to keep them protected from raccoons, foxes, and other wild predators.
• Properly select the breed Chickens have so many breeds.
There is what you call the Delaware, Wyandotte, Leghorn, Dominique, Buckeye and Brahma.
These are the different types of chickens available in the local farm store.
You must think of what you want first before buying.
If this is done, you won't encounter unfamiliar problems later.
This guide to raising chickens is offered to those who are just new to chicken rearing.
It is comprehensive, updated and direct.
So, digest the information given here and start to build your own healthy flock in less than a week.