Raising Cows - 3 Essential Aspects of Facility Design to Promote Cow Comfort and Milk Production
Cow comfort can make a difference of several thousand pounds of rolling herd average milk production between two herds of similar genetics and rations.
Here are 3 essential aspects of facility design that can enhance cow comfort, milk production and herd health.
1) Ventilation Your dairy's ventilation system should prevent high humidity in winter and heat buildup in summer.
Freestall fronts and partitions should be open enough to allow air movement across the cow.
Look for excessive condensation and moisture damage, especially on the roof.
Cobwebs are often a sign of inadequate air flow.
Other signs of poor ventilation include: air that smells of ammonia, excessive coughing, nasal discharge or open-mouthed breathing by the cows.
If you run your fingers through the cow's haircoat, it should be free of moisture in a properly ventilated building.
2) Floor All walking surfaces should be skid-resistant to reduce injuries; increase mobility to feed, water and resting areas and encourage estrous activity.
If you notice your cows walking very slowly, or timidly, with rear feet spread wide, this could be sign of poor traction.
All concrete should be grooved to make it less slippery.
Before placing cows on freshly poured and grooved concrete, be sure to smooth off the rough or sharp surfaces to prevent hoof injury.
3) Feeding Behavior Researches at Michigan State University collected information on feeding behavior of cows in early and peak stages of lactation.
These cows were housed in a tie-stall barn.
At peak milk yield, cows ate over 50 pounds of dry matter and drank over 20 gallons of water daily.
Meal size averaged about 5 pounds, with 11 meals eaten daily.
Each meal lasted about 30 minutes for a total of about five hours of daily eating time.
Higher producing, older cows consumed more feed, ate larger meals more quickly, ruminated longer and more efficiently and drank more water than lower producing, younger cows.
Because of these inherent differences between first-calf heifers and older cows, it makes sense to group them separately if you want to do the best possible job of promoting intense feeding behavior and aggressive eating habits.
Here are 3 essential aspects of facility design that can enhance cow comfort, milk production and herd health.
1) Ventilation Your dairy's ventilation system should prevent high humidity in winter and heat buildup in summer.
Freestall fronts and partitions should be open enough to allow air movement across the cow.
Look for excessive condensation and moisture damage, especially on the roof.
Cobwebs are often a sign of inadequate air flow.
Other signs of poor ventilation include: air that smells of ammonia, excessive coughing, nasal discharge or open-mouthed breathing by the cows.
If you run your fingers through the cow's haircoat, it should be free of moisture in a properly ventilated building.
2) Floor All walking surfaces should be skid-resistant to reduce injuries; increase mobility to feed, water and resting areas and encourage estrous activity.
If you notice your cows walking very slowly, or timidly, with rear feet spread wide, this could be sign of poor traction.
All concrete should be grooved to make it less slippery.
Before placing cows on freshly poured and grooved concrete, be sure to smooth off the rough or sharp surfaces to prevent hoof injury.
3) Feeding Behavior Researches at Michigan State University collected information on feeding behavior of cows in early and peak stages of lactation.
These cows were housed in a tie-stall barn.
At peak milk yield, cows ate over 50 pounds of dry matter and drank over 20 gallons of water daily.
Meal size averaged about 5 pounds, with 11 meals eaten daily.
Each meal lasted about 30 minutes for a total of about five hours of daily eating time.
Higher producing, older cows consumed more feed, ate larger meals more quickly, ruminated longer and more efficiently and drank more water than lower producing, younger cows.
Because of these inherent differences between first-calf heifers and older cows, it makes sense to group them separately if you want to do the best possible job of promoting intense feeding behavior and aggressive eating habits.