Health & Medical Body building

How To Get Into Your Workout Routine

Believe it or not, the first 28 days of youre new workout regimen and diet are the most important for youre overall success. This is because it takes approximately 28 days to for a new habit (and you can only form one at a time, so the various sections of your program should be broken down and come into play at different times). For these first 28 days, you definitely do NOT want to kill yourself at the gym, or suddenly and dramatically change your diet or your schedule. You will simply burn yourself out after a week or two and be right back where you started with little to no progress to show for it. In fact, learning how to make exercise and diet a part of my daily life was the most important challenge I overcame in trying to figure out how to bulk up. All this said, the easiest way I have found to get into a workout regimen is to go as hard as I can on the very FIRST workout of the new regimen, and then dial it back after that. Once you have done this, you want to see how long it takes your body to adjust to the new situation and then gauge accordingly. By the end of the 28 days, you should be pushing yourself to newer heights every time you go to the gym. But you should not expect to be reaching new heights in every area you wish to improve every workout. Instead only one or two areas should improve a little bit each time you go to the gym. Youre diet should not be initiated at the same time as youre workout regimen, because, as I said earlier, youre brain can only learn one new habits at a time. As the 28 days progress, youre eating habits will probably change of their own accord, and towards the end, you can begin to shape youre eating habits into what you want them to be. The most important thing to remember for the first 28 days is that youre focus should not be so much on what you are doing, as that you are doing something consistently, every day.

After the initial 28 days, how should you begin working out? At this point the ritual of working out everyday is probably stuck in youre head. At this point it is really important to find the exact goals you want to achieve. You should choose short medium and long-term goals, however you should not place exact time frames on the completion of these goals. If youre reading this you probably do not yet know youre body well enough to predict how long anything will take, and putting unrealistic time restraints on youre goals will only demoralize you if you fail to achieve them. So just place youre goals roughly into short medium and long-term goals. A short-term goal might be that you want to have a protein shake after every workout. A medium term goal might be that you want to be 150 pounds. A long-term goal might be that you want to be able to shoulder press 90-pound dumbbells like that 230-pound guy you always see at the gym. Anyway, to answer the original question, how should you workout; you want to slowly rev up the intensity of your workouts. You should be pushing yourself every time you go to the gym. Try for one more rep, do one more set, or lift 5 pounds extra. Never ever settle for the status quo. This is the mindset you must adopt in order to be successful.

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