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Metabolic Disorders and Weight

Several metabolic disorders are related to weight problems; many of these disorders are linked and often occur together.
If you are overweight, you'll need to watch out for these metabolic disorders: Obesity Obesity it considered a metabolic disorder because the body is not designed to carry a large amount of excessive weight and still function healthfully.
The more obese you are and the more your weight fluctuates, the more stress is placed on your metabolic system.
It's important not to go on and off diets if you struggle with obesity, as your metabolism can become more and more confused.
This makes it more difficult to increase your metabolism and lose weight for the long haul.
Instead, you should seek help from a doctor so you can lose weight slowly and permanently with medical supervision.
Diabetes Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder.
If you have diabetes, your body has a difficult time processing sugar.
As a result, you may need to take insulin or medication that helps your body process sugar properly.
Mild diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise.
Diabetes wears down many of the systems of the body as time goes by, taking a toll on the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and eyes.
If you exhibit signs of diabetes, you should seek help from a professional so that you can manage your condition through diet and exercise before it does much damage to your body.
Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome is a combination of health conditions linked together by low metabolism.
If you have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, you typically have the following symptoms:
  • You carry an excessive amount of weight around your waist, usually over 40 inch circumference for men and over 36 inch circumference for women.
  • You have high blood pressure, over 130/85.
  • You have high bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol levels.
  • You exhibit signs of impending diabetes.
This combination of health conditions will put you at high risk for several serious health issues.
Gout This metabolic disorder usually affects men.
If you develop gout, your body produces excess uric acid which finds its way into your joints, causing swelling and discomfort.
Excess weight usually precedes this condition.

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