Acne Causes
Acne is a very common problem amongst many teenagers and adults.
At present about 17.
5 million people alone in America suffer from acne yearly.
It is basically caused by the accumulation of Blackheads, dead cells, bacteria and dust inside the skin pores.
When acne gets severe it turns into red pimples and inflamed skin which spread to the other parts of your skin when touched with dirty hands.
There are many other causes as well which we will discuss subsequently.
There are various causes of adult acne such as stress, bad cosmetics and birth control pills etc.
Stress results in more oil secretion causing more sebum production.
Bad cosmetics become a reason for bacteria laden pores and the birth control pills cause the hormonal disorders.
Some think that cheese and excessive chocolate are also one of the reasons that cause acne.
Actually acne is the disorder of the pilosebaceous unit (relating to a hair follicle and its sebaceous gland), these glands are found everywhere on the body except the palm, top of the feet and lower lips.
The number of pilosebaceous units is more at face, upper neck and chest.
The sebaceous gland is mainly responsible for the production of sebum in the skin which does the work of keeping the hair and skin moisturized.
During adolescence the gland gets bigger and increases the production of sebum under the influence of the hormone called androgen.
This sebum production starts decreasing after the age of 20.
Bacteria and acne also share a very significant bond.
A bacterium known as Propionibacterium acnes is common inhabitant of skin and uses sebum as nutrient, therefore increase in follicles during puberty.
People with acne carry more of these bacteria in their follicles than the people without acne.
These bacteria attract the white blood cells towards the follicles resulting in the production of an enzyme that damages the walls of the follicles.
This damage causes the follicles to enter the dermis which causes the inflammatory action seen in the form of red bumps.
The bacteria usually live harmlessly in the pores but when the conditions are favorable and supportive it starts growing.
They feed on sebum and produce the substance that causes the immune response.
This response inflames the skin and causes redness of the skin.
Sebum produced by the sebaceous glands combines with cells being sloughed off with in the hair follicles and fills up the hair follicles.
When the follicles are filled with sebum it starts coming out on the skin thus giving an oily look to the skin surface.
If this process is working properly it keeps the skin moisturized and healthy.
The problem arises when the sebum gets trapped in the follicles.
The way out becomes obstructed and the dead cells become sticky plugging up the follicles.
The process of obstructing follicles is called camedogenesis.
Camedogenesis causes some of the follicles to develop acne named as comedones.
It is also known as the black and whiteheads.
The process that causes acne is the same in all cases but the impact is greater in those having darker skin color.
Once you have developed acne, there are some precautionary measures which you must adhere, in order to prevent its further spread.
The measures are: avoid picking up the spot and squeezing them because it will create further inflammation of the skin, excessive production of testosterone(A potent androgenic hormone produced chiefly by the testes; responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics ) may also cause acne, avoid using contraceptive pills during the treatment because they may cause some disturbance in the hormonal activities resulting in severe acne, some medicines may cause acne to go bad so must consult your doctor before taking any prescription.
At present about 17.
5 million people alone in America suffer from acne yearly.
It is basically caused by the accumulation of Blackheads, dead cells, bacteria and dust inside the skin pores.
When acne gets severe it turns into red pimples and inflamed skin which spread to the other parts of your skin when touched with dirty hands.
There are many other causes as well which we will discuss subsequently.
There are various causes of adult acne such as stress, bad cosmetics and birth control pills etc.
Stress results in more oil secretion causing more sebum production.
Bad cosmetics become a reason for bacteria laden pores and the birth control pills cause the hormonal disorders.
Some think that cheese and excessive chocolate are also one of the reasons that cause acne.
Actually acne is the disorder of the pilosebaceous unit (relating to a hair follicle and its sebaceous gland), these glands are found everywhere on the body except the palm, top of the feet and lower lips.
The number of pilosebaceous units is more at face, upper neck and chest.
The sebaceous gland is mainly responsible for the production of sebum in the skin which does the work of keeping the hair and skin moisturized.
During adolescence the gland gets bigger and increases the production of sebum under the influence of the hormone called androgen.
This sebum production starts decreasing after the age of 20.
Bacteria and acne also share a very significant bond.
A bacterium known as Propionibacterium acnes is common inhabitant of skin and uses sebum as nutrient, therefore increase in follicles during puberty.
People with acne carry more of these bacteria in their follicles than the people without acne.
These bacteria attract the white blood cells towards the follicles resulting in the production of an enzyme that damages the walls of the follicles.
This damage causes the follicles to enter the dermis which causes the inflammatory action seen in the form of red bumps.
The bacteria usually live harmlessly in the pores but when the conditions are favorable and supportive it starts growing.
They feed on sebum and produce the substance that causes the immune response.
This response inflames the skin and causes redness of the skin.
Sebum produced by the sebaceous glands combines with cells being sloughed off with in the hair follicles and fills up the hair follicles.
When the follicles are filled with sebum it starts coming out on the skin thus giving an oily look to the skin surface.
If this process is working properly it keeps the skin moisturized and healthy.
The problem arises when the sebum gets trapped in the follicles.
The way out becomes obstructed and the dead cells become sticky plugging up the follicles.
The process of obstructing follicles is called camedogenesis.
Camedogenesis causes some of the follicles to develop acne named as comedones.
It is also known as the black and whiteheads.
The process that causes acne is the same in all cases but the impact is greater in those having darker skin color.
Once you have developed acne, there are some precautionary measures which you must adhere, in order to prevent its further spread.
The measures are: avoid picking up the spot and squeezing them because it will create further inflammation of the skin, excessive production of testosterone(A potent androgenic hormone produced chiefly by the testes; responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics ) may also cause acne, avoid using contraceptive pills during the treatment because they may cause some disturbance in the hormonal activities resulting in severe acne, some medicines may cause acne to go bad so must consult your doctor before taking any prescription.