Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Alkalizing Diet and Cancer - How This Weight Loss Program Can Prevent Diseases

Alkalizing the diet is the opposite of having a high-fat, high-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet that is currently in the mainstream.
Most people have not heard of this diet; however, more and more medical researchers and nutritionists believe in the need for a balanced diet in order to achieve optimal health and prevent serious disease like cancer.
The body ph level is slightly alkaline.
The normal range is 7.
36 to 7.
and our diet should reflect this alkalinity.
An imbalanced diet that is high in acid-forming foods like animal protein, caffeine, sugar and processed foods can only be more dangerous to the health.
These acid-forming groups deplete the body of alkaline minerals especially sodium, magnesium, and calcium.
The result is that it exposes the body to chronic and degenerative diseases.
The ph level of the body is influenced mostly by the metabolic products and the diet.
The foods eaten directly affect the ph level of the body as well as the internal processes.
There are foods however, which are acid in nature and yet become alkalinizing when eaten.
Examples of these foods are pineapples, oranges, and other citrus fruits.
Despite this fact, there are still many conventional doctors who do not believe in alkalizing the diet.
People who are feeling unwell due to a high-fat or low-carbohydrate diet can find relief in alkalizing the diet.
It is not only great for losing weight; it can also be good in relieving stress.
People who choose acid-forming foods may have to make adjustments.
The ph level of the body is very essential; any variation can lead to comatose or death.
Also, the body that is slightly acidic is generally weak.
The immune system is not strong to fight the attack of the disease-carrying bacteria.
To know if your body is somewhat acidic, the following symptoms are common: 1.
Low energy 2.
Chronic fatigue 3.
Excess mucous production 4.
Nasal congestion 5.
Frequent colds, flu, and other infections 6.
Nervousness, stress, irritability, anxiety, agitation 7.
Weak nails and dry skin and hair 8.
Cyst formation: ovarian, polycystic ovaries, benign breast cysts (fibrocystic breasts) 9.
Frequent headaches 10.
Joint pain or arthritis

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