Labor Laws in Peru
- Peru protects its workers with national legislation supporting unions and equality in the workplace.peru flag button image by Andrey Zyk from
The labor laws of Peru are primarily governed by 71 International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions that include statutes pertaining to labor, employment, legal age to work, strikes, trade unions, and other workers’ rights. The recent Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) has consolidated these Peruvian labor regulations and ILO Convention agreements. Specific labor rights addressed in these laws are the right for workers to unionize, the illegitimacy of slavery and human trafficking, prohibition against child labor, and equality in the workplace. - Workers are protected against discrimination in Peru.betonierung image by lofik from
The government of Peru legalizes the right to work in Articles 22 and 23 of its constitution, which states that “work is a right and a duty." Peru also supports workers through job training and policies. In defending the right to work, the government has outlawed discrimination against women, youth, and disabled persons. Article 26 supports equality in the work force with the principles of equal opportunity and zero tolerance of discrimination. - In Peru, workers are protected against discrimination.peruvian girls image by Lombok from
Peru supports a worker’s freedom of association by supporting the right to unionize. These rights are protected by Article 28 of its constitution, and by ILO conventions No. 11 (Right of association in agriculture) and No. 87 (Freedom of association and protection of the right to organize). Article 28 of Peru's constitution also protects a worker’s right to form unions, strike, and participate in cooperative negotiations. Since 2006, Peruvians have actively engaged in forming trade unions, of which there are now 403 in the country. - Peru's workers are protected by several articles in the nation's law #2 image by stassad from
Peru has ratified the ILO convention No. 2138 on the minimum age of workers, which imposes stiffer regulations against child labor. Workers 15 years old and above qualify to work in non-industrial plants, and those 16 years and above can work for more high-risk jobs in industrial plants and mines. Children between 12 and 14 must get special permission to work certain menial jobs while furthering their education. Minimum wages are protected by Article 24 of Peru's constitution. - The Peruvian government promises justice for its workers.air sign - libra image by araraadt from
Peru ratified ILO Convention No. 29 on Forced Labor on February 1, 1960 and ILO Convention No. 105 on the Abolition of Forced Labor on December 6, 1960. Article 23 of Peru's constitution states that “no one may be forced to work without pay or without his free consent.”