Health & Medical Acne

Acne After Your Teenage Years

Teenagers are not the only ones who get acne.
If you still suffer from frequent breakouts after your teenage years, you should read this article to find out what kind of changes you can make.
Eating unhealthy foods has a direct effect on your skin.
If your skin is not getting enough vitamins or nutrients, it will not look healthy at all.
Eating foods rich in fat will also increase your skin's levels of oil.
Stay away from fast food, greasy foods or foods too rich in fat.
Look for healthy and nutritious aliments instead, such as lean meats, fruits or vegetables.
Consider taking a multivitamin supplement for a healthier skin.
Stress can lead to hormonal unbalances, which are reflected by acne breakouts.
Learn to manage your stress efficiently so your body is not suffering from it.
If you deal with your stress by smoking or drinking coffee, get rid of these bad habits.
Tobacco and coffee have a devastating effect on the skin: these products clog pores and dry your skin, which leads to an increased production of oil and break outs to compensate for the dryness.
Acne breakouts are also caused by bacteria: if you do not wash your face regularly, you might have bacteria on it.
Avoid touching your face with your hands or with your hair: this will spread the bacteria even further.
Wash your face every morning and every night.
Dry gently with a clean towel and do your best to keep your face clean throughout the day.
Wash your hands as often as you can and do not touch your face.
Hormonal unbalances can also cause acne: this kind of change does not occur only during puberty.
You might notice hormonal breakouts during menopause for instance.
You should talk to your doctor about hormonal unbalances and ask if you can take pills to correct these unbalances and avoid break outs among other issues.
You can minimize the effects of these changes on your body by exercising and eating a healthy diet.
Working out regularly is a good way to clean your pores and eliminate the toxins from your skin by sweating.
If you do not want to work out, you should go to a sauna to sweat and unclog your pores regularly.
You can also clean your pores by using an exfoliating cream, pore stripes or other products designed to fight acne.
If you have acne on different parts of your body, you might be wearing clothes that rub against your skin.
Perhaps your clothes are too tight.
Wear comfortable clothes and change them regularly.
If you still get acne then, you might be having an allergic reaction to your laundry detergent.
Try another brand and make sure your washing-machine is rinsing your clothes efficiently.
You should also avoid wearing anything that covers a part of your face, such as a scarf or a hat.
Apply these tips and do your best to keep your face clean.
Making small changes will require some efforts from you at first, but soon these new habits will be part of your routine.

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