Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

How to Easily Get Rid of Gas and Bloating

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      If you find that you are full of gas and have bloating a couple times a day or more, you may need to consider changing your diet. Foods such as beans, dairy, some vegetables, cabbages, and pan fried and deep fried items can cause an accumulation of gas in your stomach. You may want to try avoiding these foods or at least limiting your consumption of these foods. Try cutting out some of these foods, one at a time, to see which ones best help you control gas and bloating. If your gas and bloating are painful and constant, you probably should stay away from these foods altogether and eat more fiber enriched foods instead.

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      Gas and bloating could be a problem if you have food allergies. Food allergies cause the body to react in such a way that it is almost trying to rid your body of the food that is causing the allergy. This creates gas and bloating. To find out if you have a food allergy, keep a journal of the foods you eat for at least a week. Note what foods bring about more gas and bloating. Mark each with a check or star. You may find that your only allergic to one food and getting rid of that food from your diet will cure the gas and bloating. For instance, many people are allergic to dairy and have to avoid foods with dairy including milk, cheese, and yogurt. Instead, people with dairy allergies opt for soy products that help to relieve the gas and bloating. See what foods give your body gas and bloating and limit or eliminate them to feel better.

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      Some people who experience excessive gas and bloating are actually lactose intolerant. Often times, lactose can create painful gas and bloating in the belly for those who are unable to consume lactose. To find out if you're lactose intolerant, try switching to a lactose free milk and avoid cheese, ice cream, and yogurt, unless you go soy. Try this for a week and see if you notice a difference in the gas and bloating you've been feeling. There are many lactose free brands of milk available and even soy if you choose to go that route. You may find also that switching to lactose free milk comforts your bowels and helps to regulate your bathroom cycle. Hint: to quickly and easily find out if your lactose intolerant, try drinking as much whole milk as you can in a few hours. If you end up in the bathroom most of day or with uncomfortable pains, you'll know the reason.

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      One reason for gas and bloating is that you may have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). IBS is an issue within the colon where regular digestion processes are out of whack. With IBS you have the tendency to get diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating on a consistent basis and never feel 'normal'. Your doctor can help you diagnose IBS by asking you a few questions regarding your daily bathroom routines. If he discovers that you have IBS, he may suggest that you avoid things that can irritate your colon including coffee, smoking, and spicy foods. Your doctor may also be able to suggest medications to help with symptoms of IBS if that's why your having gas and bloating. Be sure to speak to him first before getting on any medications.

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      You can also take OTC (over-the-counter) medications to relieve gas and bloating. Medications such as Beano, Gas-X, and Flatulex help to remedy the symptoms of gas and bloating without having to change your diet. Beano is to be taken a half hour before you eat to prevent gas and bloating while the other two OTC medications are for symptoms that appear after food consumption. Just be sure to read the directions completely before taking to understand how they work and if there are any side effects or other medication interactions involved. If your concerned about taking OTC medications, you can talk to your doctor about other options or speak to him about a prescription that will help relieve gas and bloating.

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