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How to Safely Update WordPress


    • 1). Log in to your WordPress dashboard as an administrator.

    • 2). Click "Updates" from the Dashboard section on the sidebar navigation. If a new update was released, you will also see a notification at the top of your dashboard with a link to the updates page.

    • 3). Click "Update Automatically." Your WordPress script downloads, extracts and installs the necessary files. Click the "Database Update" button if you see a notice to upgrade your database as well.


    • 1). Download the latest WordPress release from the official website and unzip the contents (see Resources).

    • 2). Connect to your host's server via an FTP program or by logging into the Control Panel in your browser and navigating to the file manager.

    • 3). Navigate to your WordPress installation in your fie manager or FTP program and delete the "wp-admin" and "wp-includes" folders. Upload the new "wp-admin" and "wp-includes" folders to your server. Unless you have made advanced changes to files in these directories, only the appearance of your dashboard -- not your blog -- will change.

    • 4). Open the folder "wp-content" and upload the new contents to overwrite the old contents. Do not delete this folder or any files. Note that if you have customized any of these files -- for example, the files of your themes -- you may want to open the old and new file in your editor to compare and manually apply any changes without losing your customizations.

    • 5). Upload all the individual files to the root of your WordPress installation. If you have all your WordPress files in a specific directory, such as "wp," upload these loose files to that directory. Otherwise, upload the files to your website's base directory. If your installation files are in a separate directory while your "indx.php" is in your base directory, edit the new "index.php" to reflect the location of your WordPress installation and upload it to the base directory.

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