Health & Medical Acne

Acne Scars - Why Do You Still Make This Hideous Acne Mistake?

This article looks at one of the most hideous mistake that acne sufferers continue to make that causes or worsens the acne scar that they have.
If you find yourself guilty of this mistake, then it's time to consider stopping it for good because you are only doing yourself harm if you don't.
You see, despite how ugly acne is, what is more ugly is trying to get rid of it by "popping" it.
As simple as this looks, it's one of the most hideous things you can do in the bid to get rid of your acne.
When you pop acne, you only make it worse and it most certainly ends up as a scar that would even be more difficult to deal with, at the end of the day.
Despite how much we all know about how we should NOT pop our acne, it's still very common to see lots and lots of people popping theirs.
When I ask some of them, they say they do it unconsciously.
Well, if you belong to this group, then it's time to quit the bad habit, as it only ends up scaring your face and making the condition worse.
If you feel the urge to pop that acne, DON'T! Instead, do something else until the urge goes away.
And yes, it WILL go away if you really work on doing something else.
And, keep reminding yourself why you shouldn't pop it.
Remind yourself that you only make it worse if you pop.
You will be surprised how effective this will be in getting over this mistake.

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