How to Cohabit With a Vegetarian Partner
- 1). Avoid entering the relationship with the expectation that one of you will change. It usually doesn't happen.
- 2). Discuss the division of labor beforehand. Who will cook? Who will clean up? Many vegetarians will not buy, cook or clean up meat dishes.
- 3). Be open-minded. Yes, people do survive quite well without eating meat, eggs, fish or any other animal-derived food items.
- 4). Respect your partner's dietary decision. If you don't respect that, then you have no respect for your partner.
- 5). Avoid trying to "get" him or her to eat meat. A vegetarian becomes a vegetarian because of certain convictions.
- 6). Eat a meatless meal together once a week. It will bring more harmony to your relationship as well as benefit to your health.
- 7). Expect that nothing will change. If your partner said that he or she will not cook you meat dishes, don't expect your partner to change.
- 8). Avoid becoming angry if your partner refuses to alter his or her habits. Being a vegetarian or vegan is part of their identity.
- 9). Find restaurants that offer menus that both of you can enjoy.
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Explore ethnic restaurants, especially Asian and Italian ones. They offer great food for both carnivores and vegetarians. - 11
Buy a vegetarian or vegan cookbook. Prepare a delicious vegetarian feast for the two of you. - 12
Defend your partner's food choices at family gatherings if the topic is brought up. - 13
Assess how important the issue is. Assess how important it is to your partner. If you are locking horns and neither is willing to give a little, your relationship may be in trouble.